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摘 要
称重广泛应用于工业生产中,传统的称重采用人工管理模式,存在各种弊端, 如人工记录不精确、记录效率低下等。针对以上问题,设计了工业台秤称重管理系 统。系统由上位计算机、称重仪表、工业监控摄像头和视频采集卡组成,不仅能实 时存储称重数据信息,而且还能捕捉和记录工业现场操作画面,实现了数据存储的 自动化、数据记录的可追溯化和工业操作现场的视频化,具有广阔的应用前景。
⑴介绍工业台秤称重管理系统的工作原理,完成硬件设计。该系统标准配置为 两部分:一台上位计算机和四台 METTLER TOLEDO IND231 称重仪表组成的数据 传输、存储和查询部分,四台工业监控摄像头和视频采集卡组成的视频捕捉、记录 部分。根据企业生产对称重数据信息的存储、查询需求,以及对生产车间操作现场 的监控需求,完成系统的设计方案,并进行硬件设备选型。
⑵完成工业台秤称重管理系统的软件设计。根据称重仪表的串行通信协议,利 用 VB 编写计算机与 IND231 称重仪表的通信程序,实现现场称重数据的上传;在 上位机上编写用户登录、数据保存、实时显示、历史查询等功能模块。
⑶开发的工业台秤称重管理系统应用于青岛科海生物有限公司。根据实际需要, 该系统由一台上位计算机、两台 IND231 称重仪表组成,经过现场调试,系统运行 平稳、可靠,完全解决了之前手工记录存在的种种弊端。
实际使用效果表明,所设计的工业台秤称重管理系统能够有效监督称重生产过 程,实现过程的全程追溯,显著提高称重生产的管理水平。
Weighing is widely used in industrial production. Manual management is used in traditional weighing mode s of weighing, so all kinds of disadvantages exist in this mode. For example, the manual record is not accurate and efficient, otherwise it is difficult to query the historical data. In order to solve above problems, an industrial weighing management system is designed in this paper. It is composed of a Host computer, IND231 weighing instruments, industrial monitoring cameras and a video acquisition card. Host computer can not only read real-time and accurate data from IND231 weighing
instruments through serial communication, but also capture and store the video
information of the production workshop. The storing of data is automatic, the records of data are traceable, and the industrial operation is visualization by the application of industrial weighing management system, so it would to be with a wide application prospects.
The main work of this topic is as follows.
Firstly, the principle of the industrial weighing management system is introduced, and the hardware design is completed. The standard configuration of the industrial weighing management is composed by two components: the data transmission, storage and query part made up of one Host computer and
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