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浙江大学本科毕业论文 Abstract
W批h the rapid development ofthe network and related technology and the continuous expanding of its applications, distributed data cache system has become a
major data deployment solution for a lot Internet 叩plications. For instance,
Memcached and its enhanced version have been made substantial progress in d篇幅 throughput ,data backup and data persistence ,and were deployed and used in many websites including Facebook, Twitt町 YouTube and Ebay. Distributed 伽taωche
system has brought advantages in functionality and performanω 岛rnetwork applications, but new and higher r叫uirements have also been proposed on the software qualityωsurance.
As the main mean of so班ware quality assuran饵, so班ware testing 岛r data cache system h部 never been more important.In order to meet the special test need and pu叩ose of distributed data cache system, a lot aspects including automated testing
仕amework, functional testing, load generation and data ∞nsistency validation, must
be considered to design and implement a test model for di到ributed data cache system. Bωed on this idea,由is article proposed an automated test solution including test
framework, test tools and te剑 methods 如r distributed 也.ta cache syste皿
In order to solve the work load generating and data consistency validation when testing a distributed data cache system, the article has proposed fast random string generating algorithm and concurrent data readlwrite validation algorithm, with proof
and per岛rmance statistics. The existence ofthe two algorithms has made a dramatic advance and enhancement for the per如rmance and funωionality of automated test tool for distributed data cache.
At fir民the al1icle introduces the research status and implements solution ofthe
current automated test technolo肌 and then introduces relevantωntent of distributed data cache system. A班er that, it propo捕d an automated test solution with implement details bas创 on the functionality and performance features of
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