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High-rise and super high-rise buildings have been developed fast with growth of economy. Horizontal load and sideway of structures grow as the height of buildings grows. Setting outrigger, which is widely used in high-rise structures, is an effective way to improve structures lateral stiffness and reduce horizontal displacement. High-rise structure with outrigger belongs to complicated tall building structure in Chinese design code. Terms to design this kind of structure in code are quite simple. Therefore studying on force and deformation characteristics of high-rise structures, and extracting specific design concept are meaningful.
This paper, which is based on basic characteristics of strengthened storeys, applications of structures with strengthened storeys at home and abroad, simplified models of structures with strengthened storeys, earthquake resistance and shock absorption and other researches, contains following research work with specific project. Outrigger in solid-web beams, diagonal web member truss, vierendeel truss will be setted in reinforced concrete high-rise framed-tube structure with one or two strengthened storeys. Mode superposition response spectrum method and time-history analysis will be used to study seismic response of different kinds of outrigger under horizontal seismic load. We can get following conclusions by comparing results of analysis.
Stiffness and number of outrigger. Large number of outriggers with limit stiffness can reduce the negative impacts of force and stiffness mutation while they may control structures horizontal displacement, which will improve seismic behavior of structure.
Structure of outrigger. When limit of horizontal displacement is small, outrigger in diagonal web member truss should be considered firstly. When limit of horizontal displacement is not that small, outrigger in vierendeel truss will be the choice for seismic design. When outrigger with limit stiffness cannot satisfy the requirements o
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