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ηle choiωof approp川剧e methods is an important step in the research process, there have been intensive discussions about the thωry and methods adopted in
construction management research. Such discussions made a good inspiration on the topic selection of this dissertation. Based on a broad literature review and a
classification framework of research co瞅瞅 and methods,this dissertation did an
、, impressive series of content analyses of 2375 papers between 2000 and 2009 仕om four intemational top construction management joumals including Construction Management and Economics,Joumal 01Construction Engineering and Management ,
Engineering Construction and Architec阳
ral Management ,Joumal 01Management in
Engineering. 咀le objective w础 attempted ωfind the answer for the question what kind of research method should be adopted for the s阳dy of selected research content by a positive approach.
ηleω阳1 propo此ion along 10 years,the annual trend and the propo叫on
ωmparison of the first and second 5 ye町s of each content (9 categories) and method (5 caωgories) were presented through temporal analysis. Then the correlation between
research contents and methods w部 studied through Cross-classification Analysis. The
chi-square test proved that there wωa good correlation between these two classifacations.ηle proportion distribution of research methods adopted in each
content were calculated. Further,the relative preferences of research contents to
different methods were also provided by comparing the di的rence between this proportion and the ωtal propo.川ion of each method. Statistical results also showed that there were some preferences on the research contents and methods in these four
joumals. Theoretical analysis was also usedωexpJain the causation of all above
、4‘ phenomena and trends.
At the end of the article,two case studies were adopted to analyse the selection
and application process of the research m
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