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i i PAGE PAGE iv 摘 要 近年来,随着我国城市发展和建设的加快,原处于城市中的重工业企业进行了搬迁, 在城区中遗留了空置土地。这些土地在进行住宅商业建设开发时,遗留的有害物质泄露 会对人体和环境造成危害,使得这些搬迁遗留的场地成为环境高污染区和高风险区。工 业搬迁遗留场地对人类健康、环境生态安全和社会及经济的危害较大,进行工业搬迁遗 留场地的环境风险管理研究趋显迫切。 目前国内对工业搬迁遗留场地的研究工作主要集中在土壤污染防治立法和环境污 染控制技术的研究,尚未建立起全面的污染场地环境风险管理体系,对场地风险管理中 的资金管理机制和公众参与的风险交流模式也较少涉及。基于这种背景,本文对工业搬 迁遗留场地的环境风险管理体系、资金管理机制和公众参与进行了研究。在借鉴国外污 染场地环境风险管理体系的基础上,构建了工业搬迁遗留场地环境风险管理体系,并提 出了全过程环境风险管理策略;分析了工业搬迁遗留场地修复基金在场地资金管理中的 作用,提出通过准市政债券的形式发行工业搬迁遗留场地债券为场地修复及再开发进行 融资的思路;从多利益相关方参与的角度对工业搬迁遗留场地环境风险管理的公众参与 进行了探讨,确立相关利益方参与的场地环境风险交流模式,并建立支持场地环境风险 管理决策的风险交流信息图谱。最后以农药类 POPs 搬迁场地为例进行应用研究,从可 操作层面上运用全过程环境风险管理制定了风险管理方案。工业搬迁遗留场地环境风险 管理体系的构建,能够为工业搬迁遗留场地的环境保护提供全面支持和保障,为今后的 搬迁遗留场地的环境风险管理提供借鉴和基础。 关键词:环境管理;风险管理;污染场地;融资渠道;风险交流 Abstract Recently, with the quickened process of urbanization in China, a lot of polluting industries have been relocated and remained many lands in the city proper. As changed the use of the lands, a large number of toxic and hazardous substances into the soil and groundwater. The former relation industrial sites have become high polluted and risk zones, that would be serious dangerous to human healthy, environmental and ecological safe, social and economical development. The study of environmental risk management of the former relation industrial sites has become more and more important. The research of former relation industrial sites was focused on legislation of soil pollution prevention, development of sites investigation, environmental risk assessments and sites remediation. But the research of system of environmental risk management of former relation industrial sites was not discussed. There also was a little literature on public participation and finance of the former relation industrial sites. Therefore, this paper studies the risk management system, funds finance and public participation of former relation industrial sites. Based on the research on experience of system of contaminated sites abroad, the system of environmental risk management of former



peili2018 + 关注


