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扬、开掘中华传统仁学思想的精神内涵、对“和而不同”意境的现代 把握等。 第四部分,“他山之用:教师对外域文化的借鉴”。具体论述了教 师对西方文化的借鉴:如对西方文化“吸收性、开放性”、“个体性”、 “激进性”、“科学精神”等的借鉴,并简述了在多元文化背景下如何 防范和化解西方文化中消极因素的影响的问题。 第五部分,“承载中介:当代教师对课程文化的批判与重建”。视 课程是文化的主要载体及教师践履文化使命的主要阵地,并从课程目 标价值取向、内容、实施三个方面论述了如何构建一种既适应当前多 元文化的时势背景,又符合我国教育发展需求的课程文化。 第六部分,“以身示范:教师群体文化及其建设”。凸显了教师群 体文化的示范作用,并论述了良好教师群体文化的建设。包括当代教 师应具备的教育理念、“文化人”的形象、强烈的文化责任感、专家 型的职业形象等。 最后一部分,“策略思路:当代教师践履文化使命的路径与方 法”。文化是模式化存在的,本文在最后讨论了教师践履使命即文化 整合的策略思路,并列举了教师践履文化使命的一些路径及方法,如 “对多元文化民主式的文化整合”、“比较研究和互补发展”、“多些包 容,少些排斥”等。 关键词:文化 当代教师 多元文化 传统文化 西方文化 使命 The Culture Mission Of Contemporary Teachers ABSTRACT With the process of globalization and rapid transformation of our society, our country is in the multicultural sky: traditional culture and contemporary culture, our native culture and foreign lands culture, all of them exist simultaneously. This phenomenon adds much vigour to our culture, but in the meantime, man often feel puzzled when they choose in many different values. The traditional culture being modernlized is the pillar of modernization of our society, and is also the grand backround for the modernization of our education, so the culture mission of contemporary teachers comes to the field of view of this research. The main body of this paper consists of seven parts. In the first part,it expounds why focus onthe culture mission of teachers In the second part of this paper, it expounds generally several culture mission of teachers from different angles:analyse, research, criticize culture, build good culture of teachers, mould students with cuture, and so on. In the third part, it expounds concretely on how to inherit and develop the cream of our national culture. In the fourth part, it expounds how to draw lessons from western culture and how to cope with its nagative effects. In the fifth part, it talks about how to criticize and rebuild curriculum culture. In the sixth part, it talks about one important culture mission of teachers:construct good teacher culture. At the end of



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