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上 上海交通大学MPA学位论文 公共部门人力资源激励机制研究 万方数据 万方数据 公共部门中的一系列激励机制方面的问题并对其问题产生的原因进行了深 入分析,进而提出了相应的改善意见。昆山虽小,但是对昆山这样一个小 小的县级市所存在的问题进行挖掘也能从某些方面折射出我国整个公共部 门人力资源激励机制存在的一些问题和不足之处。希望通过对人力资源激 励机制的改善可以使公共部门的人力资源得到有效的激励,使公共部门能 够成为真正的管理国家事务和履行社会公共管理事务管理的高效组织。 关键词:公共部门,人力资源,激励机制,昆山 II T H E R ES E A R C H O N H U M A N R E S O U R C E I N C E N T I V E M E C H A N I S M I N P U B L I C SE C T O R - K U N S H A N A S A N EX A M P LE ABSTRACT The development of the country and society is inseparable from people, China has also been stressed that social development should be “People-Oriented”. Actually, “People-Oriented” is not just fit for enterprises, the operation and development is also inseparable from people---public officials. Human resource management in China is still a new subject, so there is a long way for the public sector to study the incentive mechanism. The improvement of human resources incentive mechanism has become an effective method to improve work enthusiasm and initiative of public officials, and become a key factor to improve public sector performance. In recent years, with the continuous development of the country and society, especially the development of civil service system, the human resources management of public sector has made great progress and improvement, and the state also start to focus on the incentive mechanism and its improvement. However, influenced by traditional ideas and special situation of China, the incentive mechanism of state officials still has lots of problems. The problems of low efficiency, low service consciousness and service quality, the incentive mechanism is out of date, the performance assessment is not changed, the salary system is relatively backward, the promotion system is bureaucracy, the III competition consciousness is weak etc. All above listed problems are still exist and are exist in various government departments. Therefore, to use the incentive mechanism effectively in the promotion system, salary management sys


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