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关 键 词:轴承,主参数,结构参数,套圈,凸度
Subject: Construction machinery axle special cylindrical roller
bearing design Specialty: Mechanical Design and Theory Name: Zhang Lan Supervisor: Sun Li-ming Xia Xin-tao
With Trends of Construction machinery to the light-based, multi-functional and high reliability,for the requirements of supporting bearings also will be higher and higher,demand compact structure, stable operation, load capacity, long life, reliable
and light weight of supporting bearings. No outer ring filled, thin-walled double-row cylindrical roller bearing was used construction machinery axle planetary gear
transmission,it was developed a new type of support structure in recent years.
Germanys INA and Swedens SKF have developed and mass production such construction machinery special bearing. Now only few manufacturers used it for supporting construction machinery axle , moreover they were small-batch trial production and not formed mass manufacture,their performance was also not stable
enough. So it is necessary to conduct that type of bearing design and analysis and master the design method of such bearings for increasing local capacity to independently develop supporting bearings and localization to meet the matching.
According to the working principle of construction machinery axle planetary gear transmission mechanism and installation of parts , working conditions and performance requirements of the bearing in this paper,to RSL185012 special bearing
dynamic load rating as the objective function of the main parameters were optimal designed by MATLAB optimization toolbox,so that the main parameters of optimal. Structural parameters of bearings were designed,arranging from circumferential gap,zhou gap and radial work clearance. Analyzed the impact of the work of bearing
radial clearance of the main factors from theory during the design of B
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