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万方数据 万方数据 带有恶化效应的可拒绝单机供应链排序 摘要 排序是组合最优化的一个重要分支,从上世纪 50 年代到今已经受到了许多从业人员 以及理论研究者的密切关注.本文所研究的供应链排序,是在将排序理论应用到供应链管 理的基础上,在工件带有恶化效应及可拒绝因素的条件下,对工件的加工和配送进行合理 的排序,使得目标函数尽可能达到最优.全文共分为三章. 第一章为绪论部分,主要介绍了组合优化问题、供应链排序的产生背景及一些预备知 识. 第二章考虑了加工时间带有线性恶化率的单机排序及其批配送的问题.当工件有到达 时间的时候,目标函数是极小化工件的总完工时间或最大延误时间与配送费用之和;当工 件有基本加工时间的时候,目标函数为极小化配送总费用与工件的加权总完工时间或者总 完工时间之和.对于这些问题,我们相应的提出了基于动态规划的多项式时间算法. 第三章本章考虑了加工时间带有线性恶化率的可拒绝单机排序及其批配送的问题.如 果工件被拒绝,则要付出一定的拒绝费用;如果工件被接受,则要安排加工并配送.若每 个工件都在零时刻到达,工件有基本加工时间,优化目标函数为极小化配送总费用、接受 工件集中工件的总完工时间或者最大延误时间以及拒绝总费用之和.对于这两个问题,我 们都相应的提出了动态规划的多项式或者伪多项式时间算法. 关键词 排序;恶化率;可拒绝;分批配送;动态规划 I Supply chain scheduling linear deteriorating jobs with rejection on a single machine Abstract The theory of scheduling is an important branch of combinatorial optimization, it has received close attention from both manufactures and academic researchers since 1950s. O n the basis of applying the scheduling theory to the supply chain management, and in the condition of jobs with deterioration and rejection, the research of supply chain scheduling is to achieve the optimal objective function as much as possible in this paper. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, it mainly introduces the combinatorial optimization problems, the background of supply chain scheduling and some preliminary knowledge. In the second chapter, we consider the problem of scheduling and distribution on a single machine that the processing time of each job is a simple linear function. If each job has arrival time, the optimization objective function is to minimize the sum of transportation cost and total completion time or the maximum lateness. If each job has basic processing time, the optimization objective function is to minimize the sum of transportation cost and the total weighted completion time or the total completion time. For these problems, we provide some polynomial time algorithms. In the third chapter, we consider the problem of scheduling and distribution on a si



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