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II II Abst ract Among those affective factors that affect SLA, anxiet y is the most harmful and attracts the most attention from the researchers. Scholars in and abroad have carried out extensive and profound researches on la nguage learning anxiet y from different point of view and background. Graded teaching as the major measure in Chinese college English teaching reform, just appears in recent years. The study of anxiet y under this new mode is not common. Therefore, the author invest igates into the non-English majors’ la nguage anxiet y situation in Nancha ng Hangkong University, which implement the reform of graded teaching since 2008 by divid ing the non- English majors into Level A, B and C according to their English scores of after entrance examina tion. By review ing the releva nt studies about foreign la nguage learning anxiety, this thesis is intend to find out the follow ings through Horwitz’s FLCAS and supplementary interview: 1) The general tendency of the non-English major s’ English learning anxiet y under the circumsta nce of graded teaching; 2) The distribution of the three components of English learning anxiet y that contain in the FLCAS, namely, communication apprehension, test anxiet y and fear of nega tive evaluation; 3) Does the anxiet y extent vary among students in different levels? If it does, what’s the difference in general tendency and the three aspects of English learning anxiet y? The purpose of this study is to find out the possible source of English learning anxiet y and the causes of the difference for different level so as to support the English teaching after the reform and alleviate students’ anxiety. Both quantitative and qualitative researches are involved in this study. 180 non- English majors in Nancha ng Hangkong University finished the quest ionnaire that combined with persona l information quest ions. Then all the results were keyed into SPSS13.0 for further analyzing. What’s more, 9 subjects out of the 180


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