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预防控制的。对付这种犯罪时大可不必由于其高科技属性而产生不必要的顾虑。对 盗窃网络虚拟财产犯罪的防治需要社会各界联手群策群力制定出符合实际,符合中 国国情的刑事策略,以有效的防治该种犯罪,避免其进一步扩散蔓延造成更大的损 失。
关键词:网络虚拟财产;盗窃网络虚拟财产犯罪;犯罪特性;犯罪原因; 犯罪防治措施
The popular of network lifestyle is an important form of science and techology and social development, also the network community has gradually become an indispensable life and entertainment platform. Since the interaction among people with high simulation, there must be certain scarce goods demands and transactions between the goods to goods, between the goods to services and between the services to services, they both generates network virtual property. Network virtual property is of a great value, it can be exchanged and traded with the real world property and currency, hence there is a big demand spaces and a stable interest chain exsist. The criminal has always come after the interests, so that the unstable people take the risk to crime because of the great temptation. For property crime, mostly are the network thefts and virtual property crime of theft are even the most.
Compare to the traditional type of theft crime, the virtual property crime with new features because of its high technology elements. Form the network offender’s angle, first, the average age of the offender assume juvenile delinquency feature. According to statistics, the average age of computer criminals is 25 years old. Second, the offender generally has higher computer technology to handle some high tech computer software, tools. From the network victim’s angle, the victim is mainly includes the regular internet users who often play online games in particular with barely knowledge of the computer skill, and the characteristics of the victims subjective point is awareness of law sense, carelessness, greed for cheap and so on. From the theft means part, the main types include the original type and high-tech type, which both are quite a novelty and concealment. From the crime
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