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I I 分组教学在中职英语词汇教学中的应用研究 中文摘要 分组教学在中职英语词汇教学中的应用研究 中文摘要 英语词汇教学一直是英语教学领域内广泛谈论的话题,词汇在语言学习中起着核 心作用,但同时也是教学中最困难的部分。词汇如此重要,但是我国的词汇教学一直 收效甚微,主要原因就是我们一直在使用一些传统的教学方法。本研究以期通过实验 验证分组教学法在中职英语词汇教学中的应用是可行的、有效的。 在对分组教学法和词汇教学理论研究的基础上,选取研究的对象为笔者执教中专 学校一年级的两个班级。其中美术 1131 班为实验班,采用分组词汇教学法,旅游 1131 班为对照班,采用传统词汇教学法。通过对两个班级前测和后测成绩进行对比研究, 以及对问卷调查得到的相关数据进行分析,笔者发现实施分组教学法的实验班课堂气 氛更轻松、活跃,学生的学习兴趣更加浓厚,自主性更强。因此,分组教学法在中职 词汇教学中具有一定的有效性。但是在具体实施过程中所存在的问题和挑战亟待我们 进一步探讨和解决。 最后文章还探讨了本研究存在的局限性并对日后研究提出了建议。 关键词:分组教学法;中职词汇教学;应用研究 作 者:李彩蝶 指导教师:王军 II II Abstract A Study on the Application of Group-work in English Vocabulary Teaching in Vocational School A Study on the Application of Group-work in English Vocabulary Teaching in Vocational School Abstract English vocabulary teaching has been a widely discussed topic in the field of English language teaching all the time. Although vocabulary plays an important part in language learning, it is the most difficult part in language teaching. Vocabulary is so important, but our vocabulary teaching remains unsatisfactory. The main reason is that most teachers still use the traditional methods to teach English vocabulary. According to the experiment, this paper aims to verify that the grouping teaching method is feasible and effective in the English vocabulary teaching in Vocational School. On the basis of theoretical studies on group-work and vocabulary teaching, two classes of Grade One were chosen from the author’s school as the research objects. Class Art 1131 was the experimental class in which we use group-work, while Class Travel 1131 was the control class where we use traditional methods. Through the analysis on pre-test scores, post-test scores and the relevant data obtained by questionnaire, the author found that the atmosphere in the experimental class was more relaxing and active. The students’ interests and self-awareness were improved considerably. Therefore, we can conclude that group-work is effective in vocabulary teaching in vocational school. However, i



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