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硕士学位论文MASTER 硕士学位论文 MASTER S THESlS Abstract Cultivated land is the significant base of human food producing ,which is not solely the indispensable material in peωants lives. More importantly ,it is the irreplaced foundation for agriculture even economic development .Non-renewable and scarce as it is,cultivated land is rarely precious now. So at present ,that striving to protect the Iimited cultivated land has been a common sense ofthe whole world. Because of the many people and líttle land in our country,the cultivated land reserving resources is insufficient. Under this condition,the cultivated land protection relates to the grain security of the nation and the stability of the society. However,along wíth the fast development of Chinese economy,the massive high quality cultivated land unceasingly draius and the overall quality is ωntinuously declining. It has a bigger contradiction between the plan management of the resource disposition and the actual demand of the economical development. ln addition,the support and the subsidy system of the agriculture is imperfect. It enlarges the difficulty carrying out the cultivated land protection policy. Therefore,as the m.创tager of the public peaωωd the policy-maker of the society development, how the government should set up a new development view, correctly process the thrωrelations between the e哩。nomic development, cultivated land protection and the ecology protection, is an important topic which we should ∞ntract. This article uses the method of the standard and the real diagnosis analysis,ωthoroughly m饲arch the effect of Chinese government cultivated land protection policy. And on this foundation we discuss 伽e solution how ωstrengthen and improve the government cultivated land protection. 刀山衍ticle altogether divides inωthree p衍ts besides the introduction: ηle first part is the 也eory explanation about the cultivated land protection.η110ugh the cultivated land protection thωry and the



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