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万方数据 万方数据 ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, the development of education brings the new opportunity to the campus buildings. In 21 century , more funds , more new technologies and more new materials are invested in the campus construction . The facilities of middle school developed rapidly, and began to focus on the dimension , environment and individuality. By means of domestic and international materials of middle school buildings and other relational domains , and based on investigation to many middle schools ,the author introduces the development history of Chinese middle school buildings from 1980s .The research analyzes the characteristics of middle school educational facilities in certain countries. Based on that,the research presents the characteristics and thoughts of planning and designing,summarize the designing point of different parts in middle school , and the ways of layout . Analyses and introduces characteristics and styles of middle schools educational facilities. The research introduces a few middle schools in Tianjin which built recent years.And focuses on the planning and designing of the first middle school in Yangcun and the binhai middle school in Tianjin .Finally , the research discusses the trend of middle school educational facilities development . KEY WORDS:middle school education facilities,planning,designing 目 录 第一章 绪论1 1.1 课题研究的背景1 1.1.1 “科教兴国”战略的提出1 1.1.2 历史文化对校园建筑发展的影响2 1.2 课题研究的范围与目的2 1.3 国内外研究动态 3 1.3.1 我国的教育改革进程3 1.3.2 国外的中学教育及建筑设计4 1.4 研究的框架及方法5 1.4.1 研究框架5 1.4.2 研究方法6 第二章 当代中学校园建筑现状7 2.1 影响中学校园建筑发展的因素7 2.1.1 人口的因素7 2.1.2 政治经济因素9 2.1.3 教育文化因素10 2.1.4 规范限制10 2.2 当代国内、外校园建筑现状11 2.2.1 我国中学校园建筑现状11 教学空间单一12 辅助教学空间、公共空间的缺乏12 校园空间设计不足13 冷漠的学习环境13 校园建筑标准化,缺乏特色性14 2.2.2 国外中学校园建筑现状分析14 英国中学校园建筑14 日本中学校园建筑15 欧洲中学校园建筑16 第三章 当代中学校园规划布局18 3.1 当代中学校园规划的特点和新观点18 3.1.1 当代中学校园规划的特点18 规模扩大、功能分区更为完善18 重视校园空间的塑造19 强调校园内部环境建设20 中学校园与城市、社区的关系日趋紧密20 3.1.2 中学校园规划的新思路20 强调完善的校园规划21 强调空间变化



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