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 环境污染与防治  第 28 卷  第 8 期  2006 年 8 月 污泥中重金属的去除及回收试验 黄翠红 孙道华 李清彪 (厦门大学化学工程与生物工程系 ,福建 厦门 36 1005)   摘要 论述了利用离子交换技术循环使用柠檬酸去除污泥中重金属 ,并置换回收重金属的适宜工艺条件 。经柠檬酸处理后 , 污泥中90 %以上的重金属被去除;柠檬酸处理液中的重金属用离子交换法回收 ,考察了树脂种类 、流速 、操作方式等因素对离子交 换 、再生效果的影响;在适宜工艺条件下 ,重金属的交换率均为 100 % ,而洗脱率均接近 90 % ;柠檬酸及离子交换树脂循环使用 ,重金 属也得到回收 , 降低了处理成本 。   关键词 污泥 重金属 提取 柠檬酸 离子交换与再生 Removal and recycle of heavy metals in sludge  H uang Cui hong , S un D aohua , L i Qi ng bi ao. ( D ep t. of Chem . Eng i n. ) an d B iol . E ng i n. , X i amen Uni v . , X i amen F uj i an 36 1005 Abstract :  Heavy met al s in wast ewat er t reat ment sludge were fir st ext ract ed by cit ric acid and sub sequently re moved f rom t he cit ric acid by ion exchange . They were recovered f rom t he ion exchange bed by dilut e HCl and , final ly , were rep laced in t he sp ent HCl by Al to form valuable wat er t reat ment coagulant and recycleable met al s. The effect s of resin t yp es , flow rat e and flow p att ern on t he IX t reat ment and regeneration were det ermined . U sing 0 . 2 M cit ric acid at p H of 3 . 0 , more t han 90 % of t he heavy met al cont ent was ext ract ed in 24 hour s ; t he met al removed sludge could be u sed as a nat ural fertilizer . The lea st co stly 732 cationic resin p erformed t he best among t he four cat ionic IX resin s st udied ; nearly 100 % of heavy met al s in t he cit ric acid feed were removed and t hat regeneration recov ered more t han 90 % of t ho se removed . The p rocess employing cit ric acid for sludge ext raction , 732 cationic resin for removing t he met al in t he cit ric acid , 3 bed volum


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