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30 4 Vol.30No .4 2 00 812  Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment   Dec.2 0 0 8 VSP 朱光明,黄翼坚 ( , 710054) :VSP 、, VSP 。 : VSP , , ;, , ;, , 、、Q 、、、、; , 、、, , 。 :;VSP;;; :P631.4 :A :1672-6561(2008)04-0416-04 High-Resolution Zero-offset VSP Technique in Development Stage of Oil and Gas Exploration ZHU Guang-ming, H UANG Yi-jian (S chool of Geolog i ca l Eng ineerin g and S urv ey in g , Ch angan Uni versi ty , X ian 710054, Sh aanx i, Ch ina) bstract:This paper discusses the contents and features of current Zero-offset VSP (ZVSP)techniques for the development stage of oil and gas exploration in aspects of data acquisition, processing and interpretation.The features involve:acquiring high-resolution ZVSP data, correlating not only thick layers, but also thin layers or reservoirs;exploiting multi-w aves, using not only upgoing and dow ngoing w aves, but compressional and converted waves simultaneously;extracting dynamic parameters, providing not only scale for time-depth relation and horizon scale for corridor-stack, but scales for amplitude, frequency, Q, w avelet, compressional-shear w ave velocity ratio, Poisson ratio and elastic parameters;directly detecting lithologic properties, oil and gas, not only correlating, controlling and constraining horizon inversion, but identifying different types of reservoirs and providing constrains for joint petroliferous property inversion of both borehole and surface seismic data. Key words:Zero-offset;VSP;data acquisition;data processing;data interpretation ;④ 0  , VSP (Vertical Seismic 。VSP Profiling):① 。VSP -;② 、


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