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1000-056 /2010/026( 03)-0858-70 Acta etrolog ica Sinica 岩石学报 * 1 1 2 1 1 李立兴 李厚民 陈正乐 王登红 陈伟十 1 1 2 1 1 LI LiXing , LIHouM in , CH EN ZhengLe , WANG DengH ong and CHEN W eiShi 11 , 100037 21 , 100081 11MLR K ey Laboratory of M etallogeny and M ineral A ssessmen,t Institute of M ineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geolog ical Sciences, Beij ing 100037, China 21Institute of Geomechnics, ChineseA cademy of Geolog ical Sciences, Beij ing 100081, China 200 -12-30 收稿, 2010-02-23改回1 LiLX, Li HM, Chen ZL, W ang DH and Chen W S1 20101 Hydrothermalm ineralization and fluid inclusion study on the H eishan iron de osit, Chengde County, HebeiP rovince, China1 A c ta P etrolog ica S inica, 26( 3): 858- 870 Abstract TheH eishan Fe-T-i P deposit, hosted in the Dam iao Proterozoic m ass i-f type anorthosites, is one of the m ost mi portant Dam iao-type iron deposits in Chengde Coun ty, H ebei Province1 It w as generally considered that the ore m agm a of theH eishan iron deposit, who injected into the anorthosites, resu lt from fractional crystallization or mi m iscib ility ofm agm a1 H ow ever, at field, Fe-P and Fe-su lphide veinswh ich injected into the anorthosites show that hydrotherm alm ineralization is ub iqu itous1 So, it is ind icated that the m ineralizationw as not on ly associated w ith the m agm atic process but also w ith hydrotherm al process1 A series of petrograph ic, m icrotherm om etric and laser Ram an spectroscop ic studies on flu id inclusions in the apatite of the Fe-Ti-P ores and the quartz of the hydrotherm al


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