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1.2 The importance of using strategy 2. Four Reading Models 2.1 The bottom-up processing 2.2 The top-down processing 2.3 The interaction of bottom-up and top-down processing 2.4 The schema theory 3. Three kinds of reading strategies Direct Strategies Indirect Strategies 4.1 Before-reading Strategies 4.2 During reading strategies 4.3 After reading strategies Work cited 1. 张东昌,潘巍巍. Empirical Researches on Reading Strategies in English (2010). 对外经济贸易大学出版社 2. 王笃勤. 英语阅读教学(2011). 外语教育与研究出版社 3. 佟敏强 (2009). 大学英语阅读教学理论与实践. 外语教育出版公司. 4. 周绵绵,余笑,叶长彬(2011). 英语学习策略.科学出版社. Teacher should encourage the students during the process of reading rather than criticizing, and make some plans which can be divided into several smaller parts for the student, because when the students finish a small part, it will give the students confidence and high attitude to learn it. At the same time, teacher should build the atmosphere which can facilitate the reading process. Students with a strong feeling, positive attitude, and high motivation will do better in the reading. They can use a learning diary to write down some exciting experience and discussing the pleasure things which happen during the process of reading, and make a checklist with all the things, when one thing has been finished, students may draw a smile face on it, and keep going, this may keep students in a good mood, thus it can lead an effective way to learn it. Taking your emotion temperature Affective Social Teachers should let the students to ask the questions each other. In this way, teachers can know if the students master the knowledge correctly, at the same time how the situation of the other students’ learning. If the students encounter some questions they can ask the peer for help. Maybe the peers have the same questions before, the know how to explain it, and solve it in an easy way. Asking peers for help Teachers should encourage the students to talk among the students, in this way they may share different leaning way



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