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实用标准文案 精彩文档 摘 要 此篇论文主要是根据大学教室中灯的日常使用情况以及教室对灯光的需求这些问题,研究并设计出了一种基于单片机控制的室内灯光智能控制系统。此控制系统的核心部件就是AT89S51单片机,系统利用热释红外人体传感器这个器件来对人体的是否存在进行检测,并且利用光敏三极管组成的电路对室内的自然光照强度进行检测;此控制系统根据教室对光照的需求来进行合理的控制灯的关闭与打开,首先,它先通过对人体存在的信号以及室内光照强度信号进行综合的分析与判断,对信号的处理以后,通过系统的反馈来完成对教室内的灯光的智能控制,这样就大大减少了教室用电的浪费。此外系统还具备了报警功能;并且它还采用了软/硬件的“看门狗”,它可以增强系统的抗干扰能力。该系统能够达到各种院校对教室灯光控制的要求,最终就可以达到节能的目的。 关键词:单片机;智能控制;热释红外传感器;X5045 Abstract Cipian thesis is based on the university classroom in light of daily usage and the demand for classroom lighting these issues, research and design of indoor lighting intelligent control system based on microprocessor controlled. Core components of this control system is AT89S51 microcontroller, the system uses the human body pyroelectric infrared sensor this device to the human body to detect the existence and use of the circuit phototransistor of the indoor natural light intensity is detected; this control system according to classroom to Light needs to be closed and an open and reasonable control of light, first, that the first signal by the presence of the human body and interior light intensity signal integrated analysis and determine the future of the signal processing by the feedback system to complete the classroom lighting within the intelligent control, thus greatly reducing the waste of electricity classroom. In addition the system also has the alarm function; and it uses a hardware / software watchdog, it can enhance the anti-jamming capability. The system can achieve a variety of institutions for classroom lighting control requirements, most mechanized can save energy. Keywords?: SCM; intelligent control; pyroelectric infrared sensor; X5045 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc4103 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc4103 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc10920 1.1 课题研究的目的与意义 PAGEREF _Toc10920 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc19005 1.2 采用智能照明控制系统的优势 PAGEREF _Toc19005 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc6599 1.3 智能照明控制系统的研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc6599 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc27195 2 教室灯光控制器简介与方案分析 PAGEREF _Toc27195 2 HY


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