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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice BBC版本 中英文剧本3 Lizzy! Jane!丽西,瑾 What do you think? Mr Collins has made an offer of marriage to Charlotte Lucas! 你们说呢? 科林斯先生 跟夏洛蒂洛克斯求婚了 Shes accepted him! 她也接受了 Charlotte? 夏洛蒂? Engaged to Mr Collins? 跟科林斯先生订婚? Impossible! 不可能 The fireplace in the great room at Rosings would be much larger than that. 罗新斯园 大房里的壁炉还大得多 A fireplace of truly prodigious dimensions. 尺寸真正惊人的…好大 But why should you be surprised, my dear Lizzy? 你为什么要惊讶呢? 亲爱的丽西 Do you think it incredible that Mr Collins could procure any womans good opinion, 你认为科林斯先生 不可能得到女人的垂青吗? because he didnt succeed with you? 就因为他向你求婚失败? Charlotte, I didnt mean... 夏洛蒂,我不是这个意思 I Was surprised. 我很惊讶 Charlotte, if Mr Collins has been so fortunate as to secure your affections, 可是夏洛蒂,若科林斯先生 有幸获得你的感情 Im delighted for you both. 我替你们两人高兴 I see what you are feeling. 我知道你的感受 Im not romantic, you know. 你知道我不是个浪漫的人 I never was. I ask only a comfortable home. 从来就不是 我只要求一个舒适的家 And, considering Mr Collins character and situation in life, 以科林斯先生的个性和地位 Im convinced my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most who enter the marriage state. 相信我跟他结婚 会跟大多夫妻一样幸福 (COLLINS): My dear Charlotte! 亲爱的夏洛蒂 Cousin Elizabeth, you can see before you the happiest of men! 伊丽莎柏表妹 我现在是世上最幸福的男人 Jane, it was such a humiliating spectacle! 瑾,真是太可耻了 She knows shes marrying one of the stupidest men in England. 她明知道嫁的是 全英国最愚蠢的男人 I never believed her capable of that. 我没想到她会做这种事 Lizzy, you do not make allowances for differences of situation and temper. 丽西,你不懂得体谅 别人不同的环境和性情 Our cousin Mr Collins is not the cleverest of men, perhaps, but he is respectable. 我们的科林斯表哥 也许不是最聪明的人 但是个正派人 He is not vicious, and as far as fortune goes, its an eligible match. 他不是坏人 就财产而言 他也是适合的对象 Very eligible! You wouldnt think of marrying a man like that, simply to secure your own comfort. 是很适合 你绝不会为了保障生活舒适 就嫁给那样的人吧? 我不会,可是,丽西 不是每个人都一样的 No, but Lizzy, not everyone is the same. Dear Jane! 亲爱的瑾


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