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修订要点 D631W002.31B 修订 1 06-27-2014 本次修订的主要目的是增加后续的 777-31BER 型飞机,飞机序列号为 43220 (机尾号 B-2048 )、43221 (机尾号B-2007 )和43222 (机尾号B-2008 )。这些飞机取证的最大滑行 重量为 777,000 磅(352,441 公斤)、最大起飞重量为775,000 磅(351,534 公斤)、最大着陆 重量为 554,000 磅(251,290 公斤)、最大无燃油重量为 524,000 磅(237,682 公斤),推力为 通用电气发动机 GE90-115BL 额定推力。 本次修订包括以下内容: 章 - 前页 修订批准(修订) A146360 此节确认本次修订的批准机构和参考号。 有效节清单(修订) A146360 进行了修订,以反映本次修订所更改的节。 飞机序列号和附录有效性(修订) A146360 修订了飞机序列号和附录有效性,以增加飞机序列号 43220 、43221 和 43222 。 第 1 页 D631W002.31B 777 Airplane Flight Manual . . REVISION HIGHLIGHTS . Revision 1 to D631W002.31B dated 06/27/2014 . The primary purpose of this revision is to provide coverage for follow on model 777-31BER, airplane serial numbers 43220, 43221 and 43222. These airplanes are to be certified at a maximum taxi weight of 777,000 pounds (352,441 kilograms), a maximum takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds (351,534 kilograms), a maximum landing weight of 554,000 pounds (251,290 kilograms), and a maximum zero fuel weight of 524,000 pounds (237,682 kilograms) and operated at the General Electric GE90-115BL thrust rating. The following changes comprise this revision: Chapter - Front Matter Revision Approval (revised) A146360 This section uniquely identifies the approval authority and the reference number for this revision. Log of Sections (revised) A146360 Revised to reflect sections


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