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汽车转向灯遮光罩成形工艺与级进模设计 摘要:本文介绍了汽车转向灯遮光罩冲孔、弯曲、切断级进模的排样设计、模具结构及工作过程 ,还详细介绍了模具的制造要点。详细对比了零件的几种排样方案和冲切刃口的设计,列举了利用软件对零件的毛坯进行展开、冲压工艺的计算以及凸模强度的校核等过程;本文所介绍的级进模有孔,有弯曲的部分,结构较为复杂零件的结构,由冲孔、弯曲、落料等多个工序组成,是一副集多个工序为一体的模具,其成形的工序主要包括冲裁、成型、弯曲等;为了保证模具在工作时不干涉,在设计时应予以综合考虑。在对零件进行工艺分析的基础上,设计制造了多工位级进模,采用自动送料,在提高零件精度、工件效率的同时,也降低了企业成本,改善了冲压安全生产条件。在文章的最后简单的介绍了级进模材料的选用及热处理并且详细列出了压力中心的计算过程。 关键词:级进模;排样;模具设计 Car turn signal hood molding technology and progressive die design Abstract: This article describes the car turn signal hood punching, bending, cutting progressive die nesting design, mold structure and working process, and also details the manufacturing point of the mold. Detailed comparison of the parts of several nesting solutions and cutting edge design, and lists the software parts rough commence, the calculation of the stamping process, and punch strength check; described in this article Progressive Die hole, a curved portion, the structure is more complex parts of the structure, composed of a plurality of step by punching, bending, blanking, is a pair of set of the plurality of processes as one of the mold, the step of forming comprises punching, forming, bending, etc.; in order to ensure non-interference in the mold at work, the design should be taken into account. Parts for process analysis based on the design and manufacture of multi-position progressive die, automatic feeding, to improve the precision of the parts, the efficiency of the workpiece at the same time, but also reduces the cost of doing business, improved stamping safety conditions. In the last article a brief introduction of the progressive die material selection and heat treatment and sets out in detail the calculation of the center of pressure. Key words: progressive mode; nesting; mold design 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc358204554 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc358204554 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc358204555 1 汽车转向灯遮光罩介绍及冲压工艺性分析 PAGEREF _Toc358204555 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc358204556 1.1 汽车转向灯遮光罩零件图的绘制 PAGEREF _Toc35820455


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