海南省邮轮旅游产业发展研究 基于旅游业供给侧改革的思考.docxVIP

海南省邮轮旅游产业发展研究 基于旅游业供给侧改革的思考.docx

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海南省邮轮旅游产业发展研究 基于旅游业供给侧改革的思考

海南省邮轮旅游产业发展研究 ——基于旅游业供给侧改革的思考 [摘 要]:邮轮旅游在我国属于旅游产业的新兴业态,已成为我国旅游行业的发展新热点。当前海南省旅游业的发展面临游客需求多样化与供给侧改革的双重压力,海南省拥有发展邮轮旅游的良好资源条件和政策条件,邮轮旅游成为促进海南省旅游业供给侧改革的重要产业形态。在当前海南省入境旅游发展低迷、高端旅游产品供给不足和供需错配等背景下,通过梳理海南省邮轮旅游产业发展的国内外环境以及面临的挑战,针对海南省邮轮旅游产业链狭窄、航线欠丰、多元化不足、客源市场拓展不够、专业人才稀缺等问题提出了解决措施,以期使邮轮旅游成为海南省旅游业供给侧改革的着力点,实现海南省旅游产业结构调整、升级和优化,推动海南省国际旅游岛的持续建设。 [关键词]:邮轮旅游;供给侧改革;国际旅游岛 Research on Development of Hainan Cruise Tourism Industry:Reflections on the Supply-Side Reform of the Tourism Industry Abstract: In China, cruise tourism is a new industry and has become a new hot spot of tourism industry.At present, the development of tourism in Hainan Province is facing the dual pressures of tourists demand diversification and supply-side reform. Hainan has the favorable resources and policy conditions for the development of cruise tourism. Cruise tourism is becoming an major industrial to promote supply-side reform of tourism Industry in Hainan Province. Under the background of the inbound tourism downturn, the shortage of supply of high-end tourism products and the mismatch between supply and demand in Hainan Province,by combing the development of domestic and foreign environment and the challenges of cruise tourism industry, in order to make the cruise tourism become the focus of the tourism supply-side reform in Hainan Province,this paper puts forward some measures to solve the problem of the cruise tourism industry, which is the narrow industrial chain, the single sea route, the lack of diversification, the shortage of the customers and the shortage of professionals, to achieve the tourism industry structural adjustment, upgrading and optimization and to promote the sustainable construction of Hainan international tourism island in Hainan Province. Key words: Cruise tourism, Supply-side reform, Hainan international tourism island 1 引言 当前,我国旅游业面临的主要挑战是游客日益增长的多样化和个性化需求与非均衡的产业结构之间的矛盾[1]。近年来我国出境游游客的迅猛增长,在标志着我国游客旅游消费能力提升的同时,也折射出我国当前旅游业的有效供给不足、供给缺乏竞争力,供给侧改革势在必行。海南省国际旅游岛的建设已经进



