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更多好书请点击 WHERE THERES A WILL WHERE THERES A WILL By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART 1 更多好书请点击 WHERE THERES A WILL CHAPTER I I HAVE A WARNING When it was all over Mr. Sam came out to the spring-house to say good-by to me before he and Mrs. Sam left. I hated to see him go, after all we had been through together, and I suppose he saw it in my face, for he came over close and stood looking down at me, and smiling. You saved us, Minnie, he said, and I neednt tell you were grateful; but do you know what I think? he asked, pointing his long forefinger at me. I think youve enjoyed it even when you were suffering most. Red-haired women are born to intrigue, as the sparks fly upward. Enjoyed it! I snapped. Im an old woman before my time, Mr. Sam. What with trailing back and forward through the snow to the shelter-house, and not getting to bed at all some nights, and my heart going by fits and starts, as you may say, and half the time my spinal marrow fairly chilled--not to mention putting on my overshoes every morning from force of habit and having to take them off again, Im about all in. Its been the making of you, Minnie, he said, eying me, with his hands in his pockets. Look at your cheeks! Look at your disposition! I dont believe youd stab anybody in the back now! (Which was a joke, of course; I never stabbed anybody in the back.) He sauntered over and dropped a quarter into the slot-machine by the door, but the thing was frozen up and refused to work. Ive seen the time


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