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本科毕业论文 磷肥对马铃薯植株磷素吸收量的影响 学 院:生态环境学院 专 业:资源环境与城乡规划管理 学 号:090417113 姓 名:赵国成 指导教师:邢海峰 职 称:讲师 论文提交日期:二О一三年六月 摘 要 以克新1号马铃薯为实验材料,本实验采用田间统计、室内分析相结合的方法,系统的研究了在滴灌模式下内蒙主产区马铃薯磷素吸收分配规律。本文主要阐明: 磷肥增加了马铃薯全生育期叶片、茎、块茎及全株的磷素含量,尤P2、P3处理明显促进了后期各器官中磷含量的增加,使马铃薯叶片的磷含量平均提高了40.1%、59.1%;地上茎的含磷量平均提高44.60%、62.29%;地下茎的磷含量平均提高45.94%、40.22%。块茎的含磷量提高76.34%、65.22%。全株的磷含量提高了56.61%、64.76%。 马铃薯叶片、茎磷素吸收量在全生育期表现为先增加后降低的变化趋势。磷肥增加了磷素的积累,P2、P3分别使叶片磷素吸收量提高了1.35倍、1.29倍;地上茎提高了1.60倍、1.46倍;地下茎提高了55.76%、45.33%。块茎及全株磷素吸收量在全生育期不断增加。P2、P3处理平均使马铃薯块茎的磷素吸收量提高了1.16倍、0.62倍。全株提高1.08倍、0.83倍。 关键词:磷肥 马铃薯 磷素 吸收量 Effects of phosphate fertilizer of phosphorus absorption of potato plants New No. 1 in grams potato as experimental materials used in this experiment field statistics, the method of combining laboratory analysis, systematic study of drip irrigation mode in the main producing areas in Inner Mongolia phosphorus absorption and distribution of potato. This article states: Phosphate increased the growth period of potato leaves, stems, tubers, and the phosphorus content of the whole plant, especially P2, P3 treatment significantly promoted the latter organs phosphorus content increases, so that the phosphorus content of potato leaves an average of 40.1%, 59.1 %; stems average phosphorus content increased 44.60%, 62.29%; rhizomatous average of 45.94% phosphorus content, 40.22%. Tubers phosphorus content increased 76.34%, 65.22%. Whole plant phosphorus content increased 56.61%, 64.76%. Potato leaves, stems phosphorus uptake in the whole growth period for the first increased and then decreased performance trends. Increased accumulation of phosphorus fertilizer, P2, P3, respectively so that leaves phosphorus uptake increased 1.35 times, 1.29 times; stems increased 1.60 times, 1.46 times; underground stems increased 55.76%, 45.33%. Tubers and whole plant phosphorus uptake in the whole growth is increasing. P2, P3 deal with the potato tuber average phosphorus uptake increased 1.16 times, 0.62 ti



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