2013牛津译林版选修十unit 2《people on the move》.ppt

2013牛津译林版选修十unit 2《people on the move》.ppt

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1.爱滋病夺去了他们的父亲 2.治疗爱滋病的方法 3.被感染的人 4.变弱的免疫系统 5.丧失了抵御疾病的能力 lose their father to Aids a cure for Aids infected people weakened immune system lose the ability to fight disease 6.以令人恐怖的速度 7.拿孩子的健康冒险 8.对…熟悉 9.传播爱滋病 10.赞成;订阅 at a frightening rate risk their children’s health be familiar with transmit Aids subscribe to 11.致命的疾病 12.检测及观测疾病 13.有需要的爱滋病人 14.全身心地致力于… 15.引进最新技术 deadly disease test and monitor disease patients in need devote one’s body and soul to bring up-to-date technology 16.药品分发 17.把…卷入…; 使…热衷于… 18.有权利或机会做… 19.哽咽着不哭出声来 20.有影响,很重要 medicine distribution involve… in… have access to choke back sobs make a difference 书面表达????? 请以Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise为题写一篇有关艾滋病内容的短文,所写文章要包括所给的要点,可以补充与主题相关的内容。 ????? 传播途径:未保护的性传播、输血及生育传播 ????? 趋势:现在越来越多的人染上这种病 ????? 结果??? :不能正常度日,死亡增加、年轻化 为了遏制艾滋病的蔓延和关爱艾滋病患者,作为中学生,我们应该:认识艾滋病的危害;自尊自爱,远离毒品;……;……(第3、4小点请自己发挥。) 要求:1. 短文需包括所给要点; 2. 短文的开头与结尾已为你写好;3. 字数150左右。 Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise AIDS is a deadly disease, which is spreading fast throughout our country.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Let’s remember: Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise. Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise AIDS is a deadly disease, which is spreading fast throughout our country.It breaks down body’s immune system, transmitted via unprotected sex,infected blood transfusions or at birth. There is no cure available for the disease and AIDS patients have to deal with the fact that they might die young.Unfortunately, a deadly disease such as AIDS also frightens others.All too often,people treat AIDS patients as if they were bad or dangerous. ????? Because of a lack of knowledge about how it gets transmitted,there are a great many people who have contracted AIDS in China and the number is increasing.The disease does not keep them from enjoying their life.? In order to prevent the fast spread of AIDS, we


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