人教版英语八下Unit 2《I’ll help to clean up the city park》.ppt

人教版英语八下Unit 2《I’ll help to clean up the city park》.ppt

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* * Explanation for Section B 1.run out of = use up “用完”、“卖光”。句子的主语是人或使用的物。注意不能用于被动语态。 I am running out of my money.= My money is running out of. We are running out of the gas. = Our car is running out of the gas. * 2. I take after my mother. take after ≈look like ,be similar to 3. I fixed it up. fix up = repair(修理);fasten(安装) 4.give away 赠送 5.call up = ring up;give sb. a ring.;phone sb. 6.hand out(散发);hand in(上缴); hand around/round(传递) hand on (依次传递) * 7 .work out (结果、结果是) The idea works out well. 那个注意的实施结果很好。 另外还有“解答出、计算出”的意思。 Can you work out the answer to this question? See if you can work out this bill. * 2. He put up signs. 3. He called up friends. 4. He handed out advertisements. 5. He told teachers. * Brainstorm a plan for helping out in your community. Make notes on where you will help and what you will do. Then tell the class about your plan. where ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ what ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task 3 help(sb) out帮助摆脱困境 社区、集体 * Make sentences using the phrasal verbs below. come up with put off write down put up hand out call up cheer up clean up set up * Self check give out came up with gave away hang out takes after 作状语:a bit = a little not a bit(一点也不) not a little(非常) 作定语:a bit of和 a little of 都修饰不可数名词 * Write an article using the notes below. Tell what happens to Sally. Sally Brown / a young woman / wants to be a professional singer / as a volunteer / sings at a local hospital / cheers up sick people / also sings at schools / ran out of money for singing lessons / came up with ideas for making money / put up signs asking for singing jobs / also called up parents offering singing lessons for children / now will be able to continue her lesson / become a professional sing


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