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;PASSAGE ONE;The Shoppers in the UK are spending less money on toilet paper to save money, research has shown. Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives.;46.The market sales of toilet paper have decreased because ________.;;BACKGROUND;; Overall, almost three in five people say they try to limit their usage of paper—including facial tissue and kitchen roll―to save money. “Strength, softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality, with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives, such as those with flower patterns of perfume, said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett. These extra features are deemed unnecessary by the majority of shoppers, which probably reflects how these types of products are typically more expensive than regular toilet paper, even when on special offer.”;; While consumers are spending less on toilet paper, they remain fussy―in theory at least—when it comes to paper quality. Top of Britons’ toilet paper wish list is softness (57%) followed by strength (45%) and thickness (36%).;; One in 10 buyers rand toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations, highlighting how overall the environment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality. In a challenge for manufacturers, 81% of paper product users said they would consider buying recycled toilet tissue if it were comparable in quality to standard paper.;;PASSAGE TWO;;;In her study, participants were randomly (随机地) assigned to two groups. One had to quit abruptly on a given day, going from about a pack a day to zero. The other cut down gradually over the course of two weeks. People in both groups used nicotine (尼古丁) patches before they quit, in addition to a second form of nicotine replacement, like gum or spray. They also had talk therapy with a nurse before and after quit day.;52. What kind of support did smokers receive to


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