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moTitle: Research and Implementation of the AnnuaE Assessment Syste , based ,n SOA m o Major: So仕ware IEngilleerhlg Name: Da Cheng Supervisor :: Prof.YiklJnJ ZHANGr Abstract Silgnatll 阳: Qa l叫l Signatu 阳Jι钳升JM ‘ (lV To enSdre. tllc: stDbk dcveloplllent of thc bighèi! continl.lillg 出lu dOl1. the Ministry of Educalion [\..(1ùi陀S 四ch cdut:8lion au.hof?ties .to ?田可 out annua1 8臼四smenl 韧。rk for 由c inslilutions and tcach i ng si.田由at ha\c h igher education co1.1 臼. Ilowcvertnc work load of lhe íllU\Ual ass出.smcnl wo仕 m SI 1m醉t and lhe Q.n nUIl1 asscs5Jl\cnl \州k has many particip棚臼- Bcsid囚.the infomutioo co;rl,tent and amount of thc higher ∞Iltinuing c..(iucal10tl.has cxpandcd y臼r by yc肌 the traditiol1al 矶哩,y ()f 飞咽rk.ng has bcr...fl .n?ble 10 mccl thc 翻m叫, assessmenm work ?quircs. TherefoTe; thc modcm annua1 .assessmcnt :syst臼ηωtn臼into OOtng. oPractice has prov时 that Ihe existing syst白ηhas: difficl1Hy to nd叩l tbe variabil ily ,f an_nual 脑SéS旧时η!t WOrk conknt. ?凶ides. ü also sno\,,s poor perfonnancc in i n阳gration. With thc propoSI;,:d of SOA ame附rk the咐 a vancty 01imp!emenlati Olli plat岛rm s:山rppo阳I bySOA o has a rapid pmmot?o:n.Due to its cxtre阳启1) sωlablc,it hns beCl\ \Iridely 阿spcctcd a的d prnised in the muhi-cntcrprisc sy剧创lS i ntegTalion . 币1crefore. rhe s}slem w.i II be dcvclop. d in .the SOA 自由hitecture. Tbrou_gh surveyjn8 Ihe 8clual ne阻ls of the anmml 斟施相ment work. this paper propos臼a r臼ealch topic for annual as黯ssmcnt sy!i.ten\ 自om thc pcr岳阳c:l ve of SOA,Md dcilclops an annual asse臼ment s lem bas:ed on SOA. The main conlcnts 田CflS岛Ilow5: oyzFirsl1y anal严lng hc bl,lSinr臼$阳qu.阳町lc.nl:s ,r thc sys胆m in dclaH,归I1;g the modciíng tools lo ana! ,e a:n.d modcl. and Ih峰 the basic function of lhe system is 0bt町的时; s缸。ndly. o yz setting the dc:sign pn-nciple and t田gr...1 of he s)srem量 csablishirig a s1s.四n 盹b?l∞ture model ba cd on SOA,lhc S)stC1l1l mooeli ng dcsi肌 based Qtl SOA 18 complel民1. FinaUy. thc key t饵hnoiogy and tbe basic implementalion stcp of Ihe dev



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