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WORD 格式 整理 学习 参考 资料 分享 PLC的六路抢答器设计 摘 要 伴随我国经济文化水平以及实业公司的不断的壮大,对于商业活动中公正的竞争与裁决面临了一个瓶颈,比如很多的证券公司、股票与基金的交易加上不同单位组织的各种智力竞赛等,面对于交易上遇到的种种障碍,抢答器孕育而生。随着抢答器的不断完善,由最初的优先权编码器组成的抢答器逐渐发展成为PLC以及单片机组成的微型抢答器,把原来的复杂线路简单化、运算速度快速化、抗干扰能力强并且大大提高的它的可靠性、精确性与功能多样性。更能满足商业或者单位对于公然、公正、公平性质的交易尤其对于参加知识智力竞赛以及一些活动的抢答器的需求,深受广大群众的青睐。本设计将以西门子PLC为核心控制器,设计一个六路抢答器。设计内容包括主要由系统结构图、梯形图、程序指令等实现在选手知识竞赛时抢答者的座位号的控制,及时公正的反应出抢答者的抢答内容实现计分功能。 关键词:PLC;梯形图;抢答器;可编程序控制器 ABSTRACT With Chinas economic and cultural levels and industrial company continues to grow, for business activities in an impartial competition and award of facing a bottleneck, such as many securities companies, fund transactions with different units of the various intelligence contest, etc., in the face of on the hand is easy to encounter all sorts of obstacles, conceived and students. With the continuous improvement of the responder, composed of initial priority encoder responder gradually developed into composed of PLC and single chip micro responder, the original complex has the advantages of simple circuit,impartial competition and award is strong and greatly improve the reliability, accuracy and multiple functions of. To meet the business unit or the demand for openness, fairness of the transaction the face of by the people of all ages. This design will be Siemens PLC with continuous improvement of the responder , the design of a six way responder. Design content includes mainly by the system structure diagram, ladder diagram, program instructions now players knowledge contest Responder seat number control, impartially and timely response to a responder responder content scoring functions. Keywords: PLC; ladder diagram; responder; programmable controller 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc11957 一、绪论 PAGEREF _Toc11957 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3672 1.1 课题的背景和意义 PAGEREF _Toc3672 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc29145 1.2 毕业设计研究内容 PAGEREF _Toc29145 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc30021 二、可编程控制器 PAGEREF _Toc30021 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc425 2.1 P


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