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某焦化废水治理工艺设计 作者姓名:XXX 专业名称:环境工程 指导教师:XXX 讲师 摘 要 焦化废水中含有大量的氨氮以及多种有毒的有机化合物,如多环芳烃等成分复杂的化合物。从组成成分上讲,焦化废水必然会造成环境废染、影响人体健康。生物法以其在经济上可行性较好的特点而得到广泛应用。本文为某水处理工艺设计规模为300立方米/日。废水处理流程为:从泵房到隔油池,然后流入气浮池,气浮池出水进入调节池,进入A/O反应池,再进入二次沉淀池,二沉池出水进入混凝沉淀池,最后出水。泥的流程为二沉池排出的剩余污泥进入泥浓缩池再进入泥脱水间最后外运处置。 废水处理后的出水优于国家《废水排放标准》(GB8978-1996)选择A/O工艺处理焦化废水,效率要明显高于SBR法以及CASS氧化沟等方法。 :A/O工艺;焦化废水;脱Coke-plant wastewater generated from coal-cooking processes contains high levels of NH3-N. Apart from NH3-N coke-plsnt wastewater contains various groups of toxic organic compounds such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic compounds. From a compositional point of view, colk-plant wastewater therefore presents adverse environmental and helth effects. Several methods (physic-chemical and biological methods) have been employed in the removal of NH3-N and COD from coke-plant wastewater. The biological methods are most often employed because of their economica advantages over physical-chemical methods. This article is a design of one project for the treatment of coke-plant wastewater. The construction of this project is 300 m3 per day.The process is that:the wastwater runs from pump house to grease trap,enters the flotation tank, enters regulation pool, then enters A/O reactor tank, enters the secondary sedimentation tank, then enters the coagulation and sedimentation tank, at last lets out. The process of the sludge is that: the surplus sludge from the sedimentation tank enters sludge thickener, then enters dehydration house, then it is dehydrated, at last it is carried out of the plant. The outlet water of the plant meets the level one of the National Discharge Standard of Steel industry standards for water pollutants (GB8978-1996). Selecting the Anoxic-Oxic system for the treatment of coke-plant wastewater is more efficient than the craft of SBR and the craft of CASS etc. It can take large quantity of the nitrogen from coke-plant wastewater. Key words:The Anoic-Oxic; Coke plant wastewater;


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