国家开 放大学电大《人文英语2》网络核心课作业及答案.doc

国家开 放大学电大《人文英语2》网络核心课作业及答案.doc

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最新国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》网络核心课形考网考作业及答案 单元自测 1 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 -Wow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it._________________. 选择一项: C. Thanks you. It really cost me that much. 题目2 -What about mailing it in the fastest way? ________. 选择一项: C. By air mail 题目3 At a time of this economic crisis, our _____ should be very clear about what we need to do. 选择一项: C. priority 题目4 _____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road! 选择一项: B. How 题目5 There _____ some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table. 选择一项: B. is 题目1 -Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation?______________. 选择一项: A. It is nice of you to say so, but I'm busy tonight. 题目2 –How far is the Great Bay from your house? ______. 选择一项: B. The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it's fantastic. 题目3 Criminals are given the _____ of going to jail or facing public humiliation. 选择一项: B. option 题目4 There must be something wrong with my computer, _____ there? 选择一项: C. isn't 题目5 The Chinese Red Cross contributed a _____ sum to the relief of the physically disabled. 选择一项: C. generous 题目1 -Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation? ____________. 选择一项: C. It is nice of you to say so, but I'm busy tonight. 题目2 -What about mailing it in the fastest way? ____________. 选择一项: B. By air mail 题目3 At a time of this economic crisis, our _____ should be very clear about what we need to do. 选择一项: A. priority 题目4 A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been _____ for him. 选择一项: C. reserved 题目5 If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us _____. 选择一项: B. in advance 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分) Lilian Hanson, a college students, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is her age—73 years. She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years. W


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