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Hernia: Anatomy Significant Events 疝:解剖和重大事件 Session Outline 课程概述 疝诊断的历史 解剖标志 解剖学组织分层和结构 腹股沟区解剖 腹股沟斜疝的发病机理及临床症状 Where it all began… 疝医学诊断的开端 Hammurabi of Babylon (1700 BC) - Described hernia reduction and application of bandages to prevent protrusion 巴比伦的汗莫拉比(1700BC)-描述了疝气的回纳和使用绷带防治突出的适应症 Hippocrates (400 BC) - Described hernia as a tear in the abdomen. 希波克拉底(400BC)-把疝气描述成腹壁的眼泪 Celsus (100 AD) - Introduced translumination; described clinical signs that differentiate a hernia from a hydrocele 希尔塞司(100AD)-使用透光来作为临床鉴别疝和阴囊积水的标志 The Modern Anatomists: Historic Firsts 现代解剖学家:历史上的第一 Poupart (France) - Described the inguinal ligament. 波庞特(法国)-第一个描述腹股沟韧带 Heister - First to describe indirect direct hernias. (1724) 海斯特-第一个描述直疝和斜疝(1724年) Camper (Holland) - Described the superficial subcutaneous fascia 坎博斯(荷兰)-第一个描述浅筋膜 Scarpa (Italy) - Described deep subcutaneous fascia; anatomic and surgical importance of sliding hernias (1814) 思卡帕(意大利)-第一个描述深筋膜并解释了滑疝对解剖和手术重要性(1814年) The Modern Anatomists: Historic Firsts 现代解剖学家:历史上的第一 Sir Ashley Cooper (England) - Described anatomy and surgical treatment of crural and umbilical hernias; anatomy of the groin including the superior pubic (Cooper) ligament 阿仕利库珀爵士(英国)-描述了裂孔疝和脐疝的解剖和手术治疗并描述了腹股沟区解剖包括了耻骨梳韧带 Morton - Described the conjoined tendon. 莫顿-描述了联合韧带 Richter (Germany) - Described partial obstruction and incarceration of the bowel in a hernia defect 李克特(德国)-描述了肠管部分和完全嵌顿在疝缺损部位 Hesselbach (Germany) - Defined iliopubic tract; described importance of the medial triangle of the groin (included the femoral canal) 海思勒(德国)-详细说明了髂耻束并描述了腹股沟区海思勒三角(包括股管) A Few Terms to Remember: 解剖名词 Aponeurosis: joins muscle to muscle; the convergence of the anterior and posterior sheaths; fascia 腱膜:连接肌肉和肌肉 Tendon: joins muscle to bone 肌腱:连接肌肉和骨头 Ligament: joins bone to bone 韧带:连接骨头和骨头 “Layers of the Cake” “蛋糕的分层” Skin 皮肤 Subcutaneous Fat 皮下脂肪 Described by Camper (Holland). Also refered to a


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