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第一代:常规IVF-ET—— 媒人介绍,自然完婚 绝处逢生 第二代:卵胞浆内单精子注射 (ICSI) 卵泡浆内单精子注射 包办婚姻 适应症:极度少弱精症或无精症 第三代:种植前遗传学诊断 (PGD) PGD ——试婚 配子移植技术 配子输卵管内移植(GIFT) 配子腹腔内移植(POST) 配子宫腔内移植(GIUT) 配子经阴道输卵管内移植 (TV-GIFT) 试管婴儿并发症 卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS) 出血 感染 流产和宫外孕 多胎妊娠 远期:卵巢癌 ART新技术 新的技术如核移植、克隆技术等 克隆羊多利 威尔默特 多利及生下的小羊 克隆鱼 克隆鼠 ART是一把“双刃剑”,它既为 不孕患者带来了福音,也产生 了法律、伦理、道德、遗传病 等一系列问题,因而倍受关注 借腹、借卵怀胎严格受到限制 ART面临的问题 * * 世界卫生组织于80年代末期在25个国家的33个中心组织了一次采用标准化诊断的不孕症夫妇调查。结果表明发达国家约有5%-8%的夫妇受到不孕症的影响,发展中国家一些地区不孕症的患病率可高达30%。全世界的不孕患者人数约为8000万-1.1亿。? * * * * * * *   * * * * * What is In Vitro Fertilization? In vitro fertilization (IVF), is a process in which eggs from the women and sperm from a man are fertilized outside the women’s body in the IVF laboratory. After two to five days the embryo is placed in the women’s uterus to grow further. The basic steps in an IVF treatment cycle are ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, insemination, fertilization, embryo culture, and embryo transfer. IVF is used to treat many causes of infertility, such as endometriosis and male factors, when a couple’s infertility is unexplained, or when women have blocked, damaged, or absent fallopian tubes. IVF is the most used and successful process which most couples choose to perform. * The first step is the ovarian stimulation which the women are provided with certain drugs that induce her flow of eggs each month, such as hMG or FSH. This makes the chance of receiving a mature egg much higher due to the multiple eggs. Medicines help the eggs mature so they are ready to be fertilized. This is an important process of IVF because the women have to be watched very closely so the doctors know when the eggs are ready to be ovulated. Medicines are usually given to women undergoing IVF procedures for 8 to 14 days. When the eggs have matured and are capable to be fertilized, the women is given one last dose of medicine, an hCG inje


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