Prediction of Gasket Leakage Rate and Sealing Performance Through Fuzzy Logic外文电子书籍.pdf

Prediction of Gasket Leakage Rate and Sealing Performance Through Fuzzy Logic外文电子书籍.pdf

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2002) 20:612–620 Ownership and Copyright  2002 Springer-Verlag London Limited Prediction of Gasket Leakage Rate and Sealing Performance Through Fuzzy Logic J. Arghavani, M. Derenne and L. Marchand Department of Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Leakage rate prediction and control are of the utmost impor- leakage rate for a given system. The complexity of the analysis tance in most industrial applications for gasketed flanged joints of the experimental gasket tests, and the associated cost, as in high-pressure systems, for safety and environmental reasons. well as the existance of many test results in archives, lead to In addition, loss of media, and damage to the plant, resulting the consideration of a fuzzy decision support system for gas- from leaky joints can be very costly for the industries. Gasket keted flanged joints. Fuzzy logic is a valuable tool for solving testing and the evaluation of their sealing performance are complex problems where a mathematical model is not feasible complex, time-consuming, and costly, and require sophisticated or would be too difficult to obtain. Fuzzy logic can be used tools capable of predicting leakage based on limited data. In to reduce the complexity of existing solutions as well as to the present work, fuzzy logic is used as a tool to predict the increase the accessibility of design parameters and for leakage leakage rate and gasket performance of gasketed flanged joints. control. Furthermore, the application of fuzzy set theory, and Different fuzzy model


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