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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 重庆大学本科学生毕业设计 水银洞金矿年产30万吨地下开采初步设计 学生: 学号: 指导教师: 专业:采矿工程 重庆大学资源及环境科学学院 二O一四年五月 Graduation Design of Chongqing University Design of Shui Yindonggold mine which yearly produced 300,000 ton new minein Sichuan Province Undergraduate:Zhang Nan Supervisor: Li Lin Major: Mining Engineering College of Resources and Environmental Science ChongqingUniversity May 2014 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 摘要 这次毕业设计的题目是水银洞金矿年产30万吨地下开采初步设计。目前控制的共计23个矿体,Ⅲc、Ⅲb、Ⅲa、Ⅱf、Ⅰa为最主要矿体。矿体呈缓倾斜分布。倾角大约在50-100。在对四川省金河磷矿为期两周的毕业实习基础上,以金河磷矿为蓝本,根据老师所给的水银洞金矿的矿床地质等地质条件和现有生产设备等技术条件,按照国家规程规范等设计文件要求,结合自己所学的知识和所掌握的信息,设计出了比较完整合理的开拓方案。设计中采用比较新式的单一井筒开拓(箕斗罐笼综合提升);采用两翼对角式通风,这样可以减小工程量,并且通风效果也好。金矿主要采用上向分条充填采矿方法,有较高的回采率。 通过对经济技术进行比较过后,其设计的开拓方案、采矿方法及相关设备均能满足矿井年产30万吨的开采要求。 关键词:水银洞金矿,矿井初步设计,近水平矿体,箕斗罐笼综合提升,上向分条充填采矿方法 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 ABSTRACT The topic of this graduation design is The preliminary design of Underground goldmining in SHUIYIN cavity whose Annual output is of 300000 tons . The total number of the orebodys that in control is 23 in current, and Ⅲc,Ⅲb,Ⅲa,Ⅱf,Ⅰa are the main orebodys. Orebodys are arranged in slowly inclined state. The angel is approximately ranges from 5 to 10 degrees. On the basis of the 2 weeks’ graduation practice of the JIN RIVER’ phosphorite in Sichuan Province;and taking it as the blueprint; according to the geological conditions given by our teacher of the mineral deposits of the quarts in SHUIYIN cavity and the technical conditions of the existing production equipment etc,;also with the documents designing requirements, such as national regulations and specifications;finally combined with the knowledge I learned and the information I grasped. A relative complete and reasonable development scheme is designed .The design use the new method which is called Skip cage comprehensive upgrade.The ventilation is Diagonal wings,because this can reduce the engineering.The mining method in this gold mining is upward strip filling.,which has a higher stoping rate. Based on the econo


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