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解析:between; 在两队之间. The animal can hide _______ the plants and sleep, laying eggs there. 解析:among; 指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间 There is a football match ______ Class 1and Class2. 例题 by 以…方法(doing)、手段或泛指某种交通工具 by bus, by foot ; by sea, by water ,by land with 表示 用 …工具、手段,一般指具体的工具手段 write with a pen through 通过具体过程,途径,手段,中介 in 表示 用…方式(way),用…语言语调; in a good manner, in English 方式介词 by with through in 辨析 解析:with; 以暴制暴,固定搭配. Internet helps them in their studies. But many students don’t use it ______ a good way. 解析:in; 用...方式 in ... way If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence ______violence. 例题 解析:by by doing sth. 通过....方式 We have got into the house ______ an open window. 解析:through; through通过具体过程 Some people may defend themselves _____ saying that snake meat is nutritious. . 例题 at 以...(速度/ 价格) at price/ speed/ 20 mile per hour on 骑(自行车) ;徒(步) on ones bike on foot 方向介词 其他方式介词 解析:on 骑(自行车) on ones bike The shopkeeper decided to sell the shop _____ a reasonable price. 解析:at; at a price ,以 ...价格 I remember tearing across town ______ my bike to visit her.. 例题 其他介词 on?表示书,文章或研究是关于某方面题材,话题的, 学术性的 about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。 on ,about -关于 辨析 高考语法填空 介词 时间介词 地点介词 方式介词 介词的分类 其他介词 方向介词 at 的用法 1.表示一天中某段时间或特定的时候 at dawn/ noon/ night/ midnight 2.at +点钟表示某一具体的时刻 3. at + 岁数 at sixteen/at the age of 时间介词 时间介词 at on in 的辨析 to do 解析:at; at + 岁数 例题 The funeral will be carried out this afternoon ____3:00. 解析:at; at +点钟表示某一具体的时刻 Zachary started playing violin ____ age 4. to do 解析:at; at noon, midnight 固定搭配 例题 It will open for entries at noon Tuesday and will close _____noon Thursday. on 的用法 1.表示具体某一天 2.表示在周几及特定的早中晚。 on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on a cold night 3. on + doing 一...就... On seeing the snake, the girl was very frightened 时间介词 时间介词 at on in 的辨析 解析:on; 表示具体某一天 _____ seeing the snake, the girl was very frig


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