专业硕士研究生英语Unit 5.ppt

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E.g. 1)She came across some old letters in the course of her search. 她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。 2)If you come across my glasses can you let have them, please? 如果你碰巧看见我的眼镜,请把它还给我,好吗? come across To meet or find by chance 偶然遇到或找到 E.g. 1) Her success enabled her to live out her wildest fantasies. 她的成功使她实现了自己最大胆的梦想。 2) Winning the money allowed her to live out a lot of the things she’d only dreamed of doing before. 赢得这笔钱使得她能够实现很多她过去只有做梦时才敢想的事情。 2. live out To experience in reality. 实现 E.g. 1) The lecture was a bit over their heads. 这演讲过于深奥了一点,他们不能理解。 3. over one’s head Beyond someone’s ability to understand 太高深而使某人不能理解 E.g. 1) We know there is corruption in the organization but it is difficult to pin it down. 我们知道这个机构有贪污现象,但是要明确说出是谁就很难了。 4. pin down To know or understand clearly; identify 准确知道;证实 E.g. 1) She just shrugs off the pain and gets on with the job. 她对那疼痛毫不理会,继续工作。 2) This is a serious problem and it can’t just be shrugged off as if it didn’t exist. 这是一个严重的问题,不能只是不屑理睬,就好像它不存在似的。 5. shrug off to raise shoulders as a showcase of distain 耸肩表示不屑 1. He just seemed to get a kick out of the name’s bookend effect. The word kick here refers to a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure. This sentence means that he just seemed to be influenced by the books about how to give sound names for babies because of the previous pleasure of giving name for Winner. E.g. 1) He decided to steal something from the shop, just for kicks. 他决定偷商店里的东西,只是为了刺激。 2)I get a kick out of my own car. 我有了自己的汽车,太兴奋了。 他似乎只是受到取名指南之类书刊的影响,并从中获得极大乐趣。 1. He just seemed to get a kick out of the name’s bookend effect. They pronounce it with some change according to French in order to avoid associating it with unsuccessfulness. 2. they throw a French twist on it: ‘Losier. ’ 他们会用法语的发音方式来称呼我,叫我鲁西埃尔(Losier)。 2. they throw a French twist on it: ‘Losier. ’ But he must have given


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