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Over time… At that time it was considered a ~ From then on I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as. …any larger As time went by (with) I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s 在……以前 He had left before I arrived. …之后才… It will be + 时间 + before +从句 多久之后才… It will not be + 时间 + before +从句 没过多久 It will be three years before we meet again. (不久)就;还没来得及…就… It was(wasn’t) + 时间 + before + 从句 It wasn’t long before he returned from abroad. He ran away before I could have a word with him. 趁还没有 Make a wish before I change my mind. artificial intelligence man-made, not real 人造的,仿造的 假花﹑ 人造光﹑ 义肢﹑ 假珍珠 artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls not natural or sincere 做作的,虚假的 an artificial smile solve vt. 解决,破解 solve settle solve和answer一样,侧重给出一个答案。 settle解决的对象通常是某种争端,是使争端 “平息“下来。 solve vt. 解决,破解 Tom很诚实从来不说谎。 Tom is ______________boy that he never tells a lie. Tom is ______________boy that he never tells a lie. * common adj. 常见的,普通的,普遍的 常见错误 常识 对…而言是常见的 某人做…是常有的事 common mistakes common knowledge be common with sb. It is common for sb. to do 对于年轻人来说,失败是常有的事。 Failure is common with youngsters. It is common for youngsters to go through failure. common adj. 共有的,共同的 共同语言 共同利益 是…共有的 common language common interests be common to sb. share a common language. 共同的,一样的 与…一样 有很多相同之处 有一些共同之处 几乎无共同之处 没什么共同之处 in common in common with have much/a lot in common have something in common have little in common have nothing in common _______________________________ (与大多数年轻人一样),she loves music. In common with most young people Do you know_______________ computers are used? in what ways in a way in the way in this way in no way      on the way by the way by way of give way (to) 在某种程度上 妨碍,挡道 以这种方式 决不 在…途中 顺便说 经由,途经 让步,屈服 compare vt. 比较,对照; 比喻 把A与B进行比较 把A比作B compare A with/to B ________________________(和她母亲比起来), she is tall. __________________________________________ (比较了中日文化), I found that they ____________ ____________(有很多共同之处)


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