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Unit1 For over a decade, the issue of same-sex marriage has been a flashpoint in American politics, setting off waves of competing legislation, lawsuits and ballot initiatives to either legalize or ban the practice and causing rifts within religious groups. 十多年来,同性婚姻已经成为美国政坛的聚焦热点,究竟该使其合法化,还是明令禁止,这掀起了美国立法、诉讼、以及公民投票的争论浪潮,并在宗教团体中引起了强烈分歧。 2.In September 1996, the United States Congress, approving what was called the “Defense of Marriage Act,”voted overwhelmingly to deny Federal benefits to married people of the same sex and to permit states to ignore such marriages sanctioned in other states . 1996年9月,美国国会以压倒性多数通过了所谓的“婚姻保护法案”,否认了同性已婚人士获得的联邦利益,并允许各州不予理会在其他州获批准的同性婚姻。 3.Religious institutions have struggled with policies, privileges and rites regarding homosexuality, including whether or not to bless same-sex unions and whether or not gays and lesbians may hold positions of authority. 各宗教团体在同性恋相关政策、特权、及宗教仪式等方面分歧不断,包括是否要祝福同性伴侣的结合,男女同性恋者是否可以在宗教团体中担当权威要职。 4. As seen in the most recently debated public votes, the majority of Americans voted for the Constitutional Amendment, which puts a ban on gay marriage. All of these Americans, ironically, do believe in providing equal rights to the gay community. 近期对备受争议的宪法修正案的公众投票表决中,大多数美国人投了赞成票。宪法修正案明令禁止同性婚姻,但具有讽刺意味的是,所有这些(投赞成票的)美国人都认为应该给予同性恋群体平等的权利。 5. Despite evidence to the contrary, these fears exist and thrive in the United States, and are the reason why, as of June 2003, the only rights extended to gays are federal death benefits to same-sax couples. 尽管有相反的证据,但这些担忧在美国仍然非常普遍,这也是截止2003年6月,同性夫妇只争取到了联邦死亡抚恤金的原因所在。 6. One should also agree that under the First Amendment no one has the right to impose rules, beliefs, or opinions, on anyone else simply because they identify a moral dilemma with the Bible. Not everyone is religiously inclined to the same morals. 毋庸置疑,根据第一修正案,任何人都不能因为发现某种与《圣经》教义相违背的道德困境,而有权利将任何规则、信仰或意见强加于人,因为并不是每个人都有相同的宗教道德观。 Unit2 In recent years there has been an increasing interest in an ephemeral and viral


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