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* Writing 高考英语写作高分策略 Which composition feels more attractive, why? 漂亮的书写是写作得分的亮点 影响给分的因素之一:作文的卷面 Which sentence do you think attracts the teachers? 1.The character of this gala is that it relates people’s lives 2.The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people’s lives. 3.Young people don’t want to watch TV ,so they pay attention to other forms of celebration. 4.Young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. _______ ____________________________ __________________________ _________________________ ~~~~~~~~~ { { 影响给分的因素之二: 文中所采用的语言材料 人靠衣装,文靠词装 A. 词汇的选择灵活新颖,出奇制胜; B. 句型结构运用灵活多变; Practice Find some similar words or phrases of the followings good 2. think 3.clever perfect excellent outstanding pleasant wonderful favorable magnificent in ones opinion/view hold the view that … it is widely shared that … wise bright smart intelligent cute 改变句子结构,与众不同 1.唐山曾在二十世纪八十年代发生过一次大地震。 A strong/big earthquake happened in Tangshan in the 1980s. There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s. A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tang Shan in the 1980s. 2.你八月十五的来信我今天早晨收到了. I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning. Your letter of August 15th reached/got to me this morning. 改变句子语序,实现句子形式多样化 1.He got excited when he heard the news. →___ the news, he got excited. 2.The girl went home, because she was hungry and thirsty. →_________________, the girl went home. 3.I studied Chinese, English and Physics at school. →______________________________include Chinese, English and Physics . 4.It was early in the morning. Mr. Smith was in his garden. He was watering flowers. →_________________, Mr. Smith was watering _________________. Hearing Hungry and thirsty The main subjects I studied at school Early in the morning in the garden 使用强势句式,增强语句表现力 1.We were glad to see crops and vegetables growing well. →_______we were to see crops and
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