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WORD格式分享 精品资料整理 Policy Procedure No.: 政策程序编号:SEC/pp/01 Date: May 27,2017 日期:2017年5月27日 Pages: 页数:1 Originating Dept: Security Department 发起部门;保安部 Cc: All Departments 分发:各部门 Subject: Fire Receiving Guidelines 主题:接警程序 Objective of Policy 政策目的 In order to promptly confirm the fire-alarm reason, adopts the measures to control and handling the fire-alarm as soon as possible. 为了及时确认火警原因,尽快采取措施控制及处置火警。 Policy and Procedure 政策和程序 When Fire Control Center receive the fire signal from automatic fire alarm system: 消控人员接到火灾自动报警系统的火警报警信号: Inform the duty supervisor and securities nearby at once. 用对讲机立即通知当班主管和火警附近的保安员。 Inform the operator by phone. 用电话通知总机。 Report the fire location clearly by using standard language.? 使用标准语言报清楚火警具体位置。 When operator gets report from CCTV Room, the message must be immediately reported to following persons: 总机接到消控中心火警报告后,立即通知: Front Office: Assistant Manager 前厅部:大堂副理 Engineering: Duty Engineer 工程部:值班工程师 Moving out to the scene of fire immediately when receive the fire alarm. 相关人员接到火警报告后立即赶往火警地点: Duty security supervisor and guards should carry the emergency lights and extinguishers. 保安部当班主管和保安部员工携带应急灯,灭火器。 Front Office AM should carry the master key of hotel. 前厅部大堂副理带上酒店万能钥匙。 Policy Procedure No.: 政策程序编号:SEC/pp/01 Date: May 27,2017 日期:2017年5月27日 Pages: 页数:2 Originating Dept: Security Department 发起部门;保安部 Cc: All Departments 分发:各部门 Subject: Fire Receiving Guidelines 主题:接警程序 Duty engineer should bring the lantern and other facilities. 工程部值班工程师携带应急照明灯及相关工具。 Arrive at the fire site, inspect the reason of the fire speedy and take the efficiency measures to control the situation. 上述人员到达火警现场后,应迅速查明火警原因,采取有效措施进行处置: If fire is caused by fog, smoke, powder or strong stimulate smell, firstly should make the venue airy, and relieve the fire alarm. Then inform the CCTV to reset the host fire device. 由于烟雾,蒸汽,粉尘,强刺激气味等引起的报警,因采取通风,即解除火警


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