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中国剪纸,又叫刻纸,是中国汉族最古老的民间艺术之一,它的历史可追朔到公元6世纪。民间也称为“窗花”或“剪画”,区别在于创作时,有的用刻刀,有的用剪刀,虽然工具有别,但创作出来的艺术作品基本相同,人们统称为剪纸。剪纸是一种镂空艺术,其在视觉上给人以透空的感觉和艺术享受。其载体可以是纸张、金银箔、树皮、树叶、布、皮、革等片状材料。其特点主要表现在空间观念的二维性,刀味纸感,线条与装饰,写意与寓意等许多方面。 The Chinese paper-cut, also called paper carvings, is one of the most ancient Folk Arts.It can date back to the 6th century. It is known as “window decoration” in some places.The Chinese people creat paper-cut by knifes or scissors. The art works created by different tools are basically the same,and collectively called “paper-cut”. The paper-cut is an art of hollowing,transferring visual feelings and artistic enjoyments to us.the flaky materials such as paper,foil,bark,cloth,leather,leaf and skin can be the carriers of paper-cut.Its traits mainly express two-dimensional spatial concept and the combination of paper and scissors,line and decoration,reality and analogy. 1.从地域上分: 可分为北方剪纸和南方剪纸。 According to region,the Chinese paper-cut can be classified into northern paper-cut and southern paper-cut. 北方剪纸:以粗犷豪放,造型简练著称。 The northern paper-cut is famous for concise style and boldness. 南方剪纸:以构图繁茂,精巧秀美闻名。 The southern paper-cut is known as complex and exquisite composition. 3.按色彩表现分类:主要有单色剪纸和套色剪纸。 According to colour,the Chinese paper-cut can be be classified into monochrome paper-cut and colorful paper-cut. 2.按制作方法分类:主要有剪纸和刻纸。 According to cutting method,the Chinese paper-cut can be classified into paper-cut and paper carvings. 北方剪纸 单色剪纸 南方剪纸 套色剪纸


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