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极地的气候变化与卫星遥感的作用 丁一汇 ( 中国气象局国家气候中心) 2017年7月5 日 北京大学 提纲 引言 1、南极是变冷还是变暖? 2、西南极变暖的原因与影响 3、北极的增暖与海冰快速融化 4 、北极增暖对欧亚和中国冬季天气气候的影响 引言 极地冰冻圈对全球气候的形成和变化具有重大影响。在地质 年代,雪球与水球的转换主要是从极地开始的,然后向低纬 扩张。现代气候同样也决定于极区冰雪圈的演变。如果由于 人类产生的气候变暖使极地冰雪最终融化,极地将变成无冰 区。地球的气候将明显地温暖化。这种情况在古气候时期曾 发生过。因而,研究极区的气候变化对然是全球气候变化的 现状和未来是极为重要的。 地质年代气候的变化与极地冰冻圈的关系 IPCC,2007 近6亿年来温度变化的海洋记录, 基准线为现代平均温度 (据 /wikipedia/commons/f/f5/All_palaeotemps.png ) (汉景泰提供) 格陵兰和南极冰川和海床地形图 Subglacial and seabed topography for Greenland and Antarctica derived from digital compilations (Bamber et al., 2013; Fretwell et al., 2013). Blue areas highlight the marine-based parts of the ice sheets, which are extensive in Antarctica, but in Greenland, relate to specific glacier troughs. Selected sections through the ice sheet show reverse bed gradients that exist beneath some glaciers in both ice sheets. 海冰的平均环流型与海冰范围年距平的年代尺度趋势 The mean circulation pattern of sea ice and the decadal trends (%) in annual anomalies in ice extent (i.e., after removal of the seasonal cycle), in different sectors of the Arctic and Antarctic. Arrows show the average direction and magnitude of ice drift. The average sea ice cover for the period 1979 through 2012, from satellite observations, at maximum (minimum) extent is shown as orange (grey) shading. 冰盖、固体地球和气候系统多种相互作用概略示意图 Schematic illustration of multiple interactions between ice sheets, solid Earth, and climate system which can drive internal variability and affect the coupled ice sheet–climate response to externalforcings on timescales of hours to millions of years. 冰冻圈的变化及其对 海平面变化的贡献 Schematic summary of the


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