新目标英语七年级下Unit7 Section B(1a-1e.ppt

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新目标英语七年级下Unit7 Section B(1a-1e

Unit 7;Unit 7 Its raining!;Section B 1 1a-1e;How’s the weather? What are they doing?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;hot adj. 热的;1. ____ dry 3. ____ cool 5. ____ hot 2. ____ cold 4. ____ warm;How’s the weather in picture d?;How’s weather in picture a?;How’s the weather in picture e?;How’s the weather?;It’s raining.;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;How’s the weather?;Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to How’s it going. ;Listen again. Write the answers to What are you doing and How’s the weather. ; Reading;Eric: Great! How’s it going with you? Mary: Not bad. What are you doing? Eric: I’m having a party. My family is here. Mary: Oh, that sounds like fun. How’s the weather? Eric: Terrible. It’s cold and it’s raining. How’s the weather in Mexico? ;Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny. Eric: Sounds good. Mary: Uh-huh. Eric: So what are you doing there? Mary: I’m visiting my grandmother…; Groupwork Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric. According to the chart in 1c. ;A: ______ the weather? B: It’s ______. A: What ____ they _____? B: They ___ ________. ;A: _______ the ________? B: It’s ______. A: _____ are _____ doing? B: _____ are ________ a _________. ;1. — What’s she doing? — She _________ (visit) her grandmother. 2. I ____ (call) to say ,“Happy birthday!” 3. It _________ (rain) hard now. 4. How is the weather? It’s ______ (wind) today.;1. 观看7:30的天气预报,用英语描述全国各地的天气状况。 2. 编写一段你与笔友间的电话录音。描述你们的心情、天气及你们的活动。 How’s it going? how’s the weather? What are you doing?


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