七年级下册unit5 sectionB 1a-1d.doc

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七年级下册unit5 sectionB 1a-1d

七年级英语(下)第5单元第3课时 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 1a—1d 一、【教材分析】 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 1. 能正确使用描述性形容词:friendly, shy等。 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型: —What animals do you like? —I like elephants. —Why? —Because they are cute. 能力 目标 学会在真实情景中运用描述性形容词。 情感 目标 培养学生热爱动物,保护动物的良好品质;相信:动物是人类的好朋友。 教学重点 巩固why引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 教学难点 让学生把关于动物喜好原因的口语化表达转化为描述性的语言。 教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法 二、【教学流程】 环节 师生活动 二次备课 I. 复习 热身 The teacher asks some questions, and Ss answer them. T: Where are pandas from? Ss: Pandas are from China. . T: Do you like pandas? Ss: Yes, we do. T: Can you describe pandas? S: They’re beautiful/ interesting… Teach the new words: shy, friendly II. 感知 体验 1. 感知: 1) Ask students to describe their favorite animals using the description words that they have learnt. S1: Koalas are very lazy but they are very cute.. S2: Dolphins are very smart. S3: . 2) Present the following and ask the students to read after you to try to remember. T: I like dolphins. Because they’re very friendly to the people. What animals do you like? S1: I like . They are cute. T: What other animals do you like? S1: I like ,too. T: Why? S1: Because they’re 2. 体验: Ask students to make similar conversations in pairs like the above and then share theirs in class. III.强化 巩固 1. Get students to read the words in the box in 1a and then match the words with the animals in the picture. Answers: 1d 2f 3b 4d 5 c 6a 7f 8e 2.根据Activity 1 中的图画和单词说句子。 The lion is \lazy. /Lions are lazy. The panda is shy. / Pandas are kind of shy. Etc. 学生根据自己的看法和见解,可以存在不同的答案。 3. Listening (1b, 1c) 1) Listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a. Answers: smart, beautiful, cute, lazy, shy 2) Listen again and ask students to fill in the chart. Answers: elephants: interesting , smart lazy pandas: beautiful, shy cute 3)根据学生完成的表格内容,Ask and answer: --What does Mary think of elephants? –They are interesting an



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