七年级英语下册unit4 reading.docx

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七年级英语下册unit4 reading

Lesson Plan 海亮外国语学校电子教案 No. 27 单元课题 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class 单元课时数 8 课 题 Reading 第 3 课时,_4_月_28_日 教 学 目 标 Talk about rules. Key vocabularies: rules, dirty dishes, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, be strict with sb. remember, follow, luck. Target language: There are too many rules. Structure: imperatives (don’t… ), can for permission. Modal verbs”have to ”, must. The students can make some rules in English. The students can talk about the rules. The students can understand the importance of rules and follow the rules. 教 学 重 点 The key vocabularies. They can talk about the rules. 教 学 难 点 1. Some points about the imperative sentence. 教学准备 The book, a record, multimedia 课件 □有 □无 板书设计: Unit 4 Don’t eat in the class What rules do we have? We can’t eat in the class. We can’t run in the hallway. We should wear uniform. …… 作业布置: 1.To remember all the important phrases we have learnt in this class. 2.Write a letter to your parents about the rules at home. 教学反思: 这一个课时的设计旨在锻炼学生如何读懂这样的书信。通过读Molly的信,了解Molly的家规,然后了解Molly的烦恼。通过读Dr. Know 的回信,了解到父母的用心良苦。从而知道每个学生都应该要遵守学生的规章制度,更加懂得体会父母,从而进一步培养学生的责任心和感恩的情感。 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Step 1. Lead in At the beginning of the class, teacher will greet the students first. T: Good afternoon, everyone. Can we start our class? Are you ready? T: Quite good. There is a saying we can’t rule the country without rules. We can also say that we can’t rule the school without rules. So what rules do we have? T: God job. Last week I got a ticket from Dean’s Office. I broke one of our school rules. As you know, there are many rules in our school. One of them is that we can’t speak loudly in our class, right? But I broke it, and I had to pay fine for my mistake. I was really very unhappy. I talked to my husband, because I need not only get money from him to pay the fine, but also need get some comfort from him. T: So who do you usually like to talk to when you are unhappy? 设计意图:用教师的罚款


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