七(下)Unit 5 Section B 1a--2c.doc

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七(下)Unit 5 Section B 1a--2c

教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: Words : cute lazy smart beautiful scary friendly shy Sentences : ---- Why do you like pandas? ---- Because they are cute. ---- Why don’t you like the koalas? ---- Because they are very interesting. ----Where are they from? -----They are from Africa. 2. 语言技能目标: a .使学生熟练谈论自己喜爱的动物并给出理由。 b . 通过结对操练等方式,使学生在真实情景中运用描述性形容词,巩固Why 引导特殊疑问句及其问答,会描述对动物的喜好。 3. 情感目标: a通过阅读练习,培养学生快速阅读和归纳语篇中心的能力,增强思维能力,同时培养学生的动物保护意识和人文素养。 b 使学生更加热爱生活,热爱父母,热爱朋友,热爱大自然。 4. 学习策略目标:学会调动已有知识,根据情景推测句子含义。 5. 文化意识目标:了解各种动物的特性。 学情分析: 学生此前已经学过Why, Where, what引导的特殊疑问句句型,具有了学习本单元的认知前提形形色色的动物能激发学生的好奇心,产生了解它们的欲望,这有利于本单元知识的教学和学生学习兴趣的培养。本届学生人数较少,所以在课堂活动的开展时,可以安排每一个学生进行对话及单词巩固的训练。在此过程中,教师可以针对每一处错误进行纠正并指导,让每个人都能在句型及单词的掌握上得到充分的练习。 教学重点: a .熟练用一些动物的词汇谈论自己最喜欢的动物。 b .熟练运用动物特点的形容词谈论喜欢某一种动物的原因。 教学难点: a .表达动物的词义和读音。 b. 熟练运用所学知识描述动物并谈论喜欢动物的原因。 教学过程: 师生活动 设计意图 I. Leading-in (导入活动) 1. Greet the Ss as usual2. Check the homework. Let some Ss read out their descriptions and let other Ss guess what animal it is ⅡPresentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen and teach Ss the new words. eg. Show a picture of a shy girl, let Ss know shes shy 2. Let Ss read aloud the words and expressions 3. Give Ss some time and read aloud the words4. Ask Ss to write down the words to remember them. 听力前准备,为更好地掌握听力的内容。 ⅢLearning 1. Pay attention to the animals in the picture in 1a and ask a student to say the name of each one. 2. Point out the list of eight numbered adjectives below. T: Now please match the adjectives with the animals in the picture. Write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective. Point out the sample answer. 3. As students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed. 4. Correct the answers Ⅳ. Listening Practice the sentence structure Why do you like……. Because they are… Work on 1b: 1. T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria. This time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la 2. Ss listen and tr


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