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摘 要 现在社会中,机械行业发展越来越迅速,人们在许多情况下都会遇到机械零件的拆卸,拉马就在这起到了不可替代的作用,尤其是现在越来越热门的液压拉马,由于它的方便性,实用性和高效性,更是逐渐取代了传统拉马的地位,是重要的机械零件拉拔工具。本次设计分体式三爪电动液压拉马,对于机械行业有着提高作业效率的意义。 本论文设计一种小型电动拉马上加装液压系统,由液压系统提供拉马所需要的拉拔能力的机构。三爪电动液压拉马比较传统拉马具有更加方便,操作简单,高效等特点,此液压拉马的液压系统中,主要包含液压缸,泵,电机以及油路系统中的相关液压阀,还有相关的辅助元件,本次的设计任务主要在于液压系统的设计和液压元件的选择。 经过这次液压拉马的设计,锻炼了我的设计能力和思考钻研的精神,同时对于液压方面的知识有了更深的了解,对以后的工作有着很大的帮助。 关键词: 三爪电动液压,拉马,液压缸,液压阀,泵 Abstract Now society, the machinery industry development more and more quickly, people in many cases will encounter disassembly of mechanical parts Lamar is in this to irreplaceable role, especially now more and more popular hydraulic puller, due to its convenience, practical and efficient is gradually replaced the traditional puller status is important mechanical parts drawing tools. The design of split three claw electric hydraulic gear puller, with improving operation efficiency for machinery industry. In this paper, the design a small electric puller on the installation of hydraulic system, by hydraulic system provides Mara need the pullout capacity of the institutions. Three jaw electric hydraulic puller in comparison to conventional puller is more convenient, simple operation, efficient wait for a characteristic, the hydraulic system of the hydraulic puller, mainly comprising a hydraulic cylinder, pumps, motor and the hydraulic system of hydraulic valve and related auxiliary components, the design task mainly lies in selection of hydraulic system design and hydraulic components. After the design of the hydraulic puller, exercise my design ability and thinking of the study of the spirit, also for hydraulic knowledge have deeper understanding, is a great help for the future work. Key words: Three-jaw chuck ,puller,hydraulic actuating cylinder, hydraulic valve, pump 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc16413 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc16413 I HYPERLINK \l _Toc15240 Abstract


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