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WORD 格式 整理 学习 参考 资料 分享 摘 要 随着互联网和宽带上网的普及,在线购物在中国更是异军突起,并日益渗透到人们的日常生活中。网购的人越来越多,网络商城发展迅速,各类购物系统也应运而生,针对各类大型在线购物的网站的开发已经非常成熟。客户拍下商品并确认购买时产生初始订单,然后通过各种途径付款。商家再对支付完的订单发货,最后客户确认收货,整个流程都是围绕着订单进行的。目前,为数众多的小型购物网站却没有一个合适的管理系统,因此,开发此管理系统是十分必要的。 本课题设计的目标是实现一个基于JSP+JavaBean+Servlet的MVC模式的在线购物平台管理系统。论文先介绍了开发项目所用到的关键技术,接着从用户需求、经济和技术等三个方面对系统进行分析。在概要设计中,根据系统分析的结果,把系统分为后台管理和前台商城两大模块。根据后台和前台用户的不同需求,把后台细分为订单管理、用户管理、商品管理等模块;前台细分为会员登录注册,商品查询,商品购买,订单查询等模块。详细介绍了在基于Jsp+JavaBean模式下各个模块的实现过程,且以开发过程为基础实现系统所具有的可重用性、可维护性和可扩展性等优势进行了分析。 关键词 MyEclipse开发工具,在线购物,JSP ABSTRACT With the popularity of the Internet and broadband Internet access, e-commerce in China is a meteoric rise, and increasing penetration into peoples daily lives. Online shopping, more and more people, the rapid development of online shopping mall, and various management systems have emerged. When customers captured goods and confirm the purchase of the initial orders, and payments through a variety of channels, necessary to prepare shipment after paying paragraph order, the final confirmation of receipt, the entire process revolves around orders. At present, a large number of small shopping site but not a proper management system, Therefore, the development of this management system is necessary. The goal of the design of this project is a online shopping mall order system based on JSP JavaBean Servlet MVC pattern. The paper first describes the key technologies used in development projects, followed by analysis from user needs, economic and technical aspects of the system. The outline design, based on a systematic analysis of the results, the system is divided into two modules of the Admin and foreground Mall. According to the different needs of users in background and foreground, the background is subdivided into order management, user management, merchandise management module; foreground segmentation Member Login Register commodity query purchase of goods, order inquiries modules


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